Successful Delayed Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Iloprost Treatment on Severe Frostbite at High Altitude.

Author: GelsominoMarco, LougePierre, MagnanDre Marie-Anne, PignelRodrigue

Paper Details 
Original Abstract of the Article :
Magnan, Dre Marie-Anne, Marco Gelsomino, Pierre Louge, and Rodrigue Pignel. Successful delayed hyperbaric oxygen therapy and iloprost treatment on severe frostbite at high altitude. <i>High Alt Med Biol</i>. 23:294-297, 2022.-Frostbite is an injury caused when tissues freeze. Severe frostbite can re...See full text at original site
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Frostbite: A Case of Successful Delayed Treatment

Frostbite is a serious injury that can result in amputation if not treated promptly. This case report describes a remarkable recovery from severe frostbite after delayed treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) and iloprost. It’s like finding a hidden oasis in the desert after a long and arduous journey. The patient, a 36-year-old man, suffered grade 3 frostbite of both hands while climbing in the mountains, but was not able to receive immediate medical care. Despite the delay, he received HBO and iloprost therapy, and his hands healed fully without requiring amputation.

Hope in the Desert: A Successful Case of Delayed Frostbite Treatment

This case report offers hope for patients who experience delayed treatment for frostbite. It’s like finding a miracle in the desert, defying the odds. The authors suggest that the combination of HBO and iloprost may have contributed to the patient’s remarkable recovery, even though iloprost is typically most effective when administered within 48 hours of injury.

Navigating the Cold: Frostbite Prevention and Treatment

This case report underscores the importance of seeking immediate medical attention for frostbite, but also highlights the potential benefits of HBO and iloprost therapy even in delayed cases. It’s like finding a compass to guide you through the harsh winter landscape. Preventing frostbite through proper clothing and awareness is always the best approach, but knowing that effective treatment options are available even after a delay can offer comfort and hope.

Dr. Camel's Conclusion

This case report offers a beacon of hope for frostbite patients, demonstrating the potential for successful outcomes even with delayed treatment. It emphasizes the importance of seeking immediate medical attention, but also shows that there may be effective treatment options available even after a delay. Like navigating a challenging desert, finding the right path and resources can make a difference in overcoming adversity.

Date :
  1. Date Completed 2022-09-16
  2. Date Revised 2022-09-30
Further Info :

Pubmed ID


DOI: Digital Object Identifier


Related Literature

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Positive IndicatorAn AI analysis index that serves as a benchmark for how positive the results of the study are. Note that it is a benchmark and requires careful interpretation and consideration of different perspectives.

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