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Original Abstract of the Article

Major Research Findings

Clorazepate is a benzodiazepine drug used to treat anxiety disorders. Various studies have shown the efficacy and safety of clorazepate. For example, a study in 18 showed that it is effective for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. In addition, a study in reported that clorazepate was as effective as clomethiazole, the standard treatment, in treating alcohol withdrawal syndrome, even in severe cases. Furthermore, a study in 17 revealed that clorazepate exhibited sustained anticonvulsant activity compared to diazepam.

Research in 12 and 7 revealed that clorazepate may cause side effects such as memory and attention impairments. A study in 19 reported that clorazepate can cause photosensitivity reactions.

Benefits and Risks

Benefits Summary

Clorazepate has been shown to be effective in treating anxiety disorders and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Clorazepate has also been reported to show more sustained anticonvulsant effects than diazepam. Moreover, clorazepate is considered a relatively safe drug with fewer side effects such as memory and attention impairments compared to other benzodiazepines.

Risks Summary

Clorazepate may cause side effects such as memory and attention impairments and photosensitivity reactions. Clorazepate is also addictive and long-term use can lead to drug dependence. When taking clorazepate, follow your doctor's instructions and take it safely.

Comparison Across Studies


Many studies have shown that clorazepate is effective in treating anxiety disorders and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Clorazepate has also been reported to show more sustained anticonvulsant effects than diazepam. These studies indicate that clorazepate is an effective drug for various applications.


There are differences in the results regarding the side effects of clorazepate between studies. For example, while a study in 12 showed that clorazepate may cause side effects such as memory and attention impairments, a study in 7 reported that clorazepate did not show drug effects on more complex cognitive function tests. These differences in research findings are thought to be due to differences in research methods and subjects.

Consistency and Contradictions in Findings

Research findings on the efficacy of clorazepate are generally consistent. However, there are contradictions in the research findings on side effects. These contradictions are thought to be due to differences in research methods and subjects. Further research to clarify the mechanism of side effects of clorazepate is expected to lead to the establishment of safer use.

Notes on Application to Real Life

While clorazepate is an effective drug for treating anxiety disorders and alcohol withdrawal syndrome, it is important to take it safely as there are risks of side effects. It is essential to follow your doctor's instructions. Also, clorazepate is addictive, so long-term use can lead to drug dependence. It is recommended to limit the use of clorazepate to the minimum necessary period as directed by your doctor.

Limitations of Current Research

There is still insufficient research on clorazepate. In particular, research on the side effects of clorazepate is limited. Further research is expected to clarify the safety of clorazepate.

Future Directions for Research

Research on the long-term effects of clorazepate is needed. Research on methods to reduce the side effects of clorazepate is also necessary. Further research is expected to establish a safe way to use clorazepate.


Clorazepate is an effective drug for treating anxiety disorders and alcohol withdrawal syndrome, but it is important to take it safely as there are risks of side effects. When taking clorazepate, consult your doctor thoroughly and find a treatment method that suits your situation.

Literature analysis of 20 papers
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Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : German

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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