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Original Abstract of the Article

Major research findings

Saxagliptin is a DPP-4 inhibitor that is used to treat type 2 diabetes. 25 Saxagliptin works by increasing levels of incretin hormones, which stimulate insulin production and lower blood sugar levels. 19 Saxagliptin is generally well-tolerated, but some side effects have been reported. 25

Reasons for side effects

Side effects of saxagliptin may be due to the inhibition of incretin breakdown. Incretin is a hormone that senses blood sugar levels and promotes insulin secretion. When incretin breakdown is inhibited, excess insulin secretion can occur, leading to side effects such as hypoglycemia. Saxagliptin is also metabolized by an enzyme called CYP3A4. CYP3A4 is an enzyme involved in the metabolism of many drugs, and interactions with saxagliptin can lead to side effects. 21

Common side effects

Upper respiratory tract infection

Upper respiratory tract infection is a common side effect of saxagliptin. 25 This is thought to be caused by an imbalance in the immune system due to the inhibition of incretin breakdown.


Saxagliptin can cause headaches. 25 This is thought to be caused by vasodilation due to the inhibition of incretin breakdown.

Urinary tract infection

Saxagliptin can cause urinary tract infections. 25 This is thought to be caused by a delay in urine excretion due to the inhibition of incretin breakdown.


Saxagliptin has been associated with an increased risk of pancreatitis, but the evidence is still unclear. 27 11

Heart failure

Saxagliptin has been associated with an increased risk of hospitalization for heart failure. 4 However, other studies have not found such an association. 28

Skin reactions

Saxagliptin has been associated with skin reactions. 18

Bullous pemphigoid

Saxagliptin has been associated with bullous pemphigoid. 1

Measures for side effects

Upper respiratory tract infection

If you experience symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection, consult your doctor. Treatment with antibiotics or other medications may be provided as needed.


If you have a severe headache, consult your doctor. Treatment with pain relievers or other medications may be provided as needed.

Urinary tract infection

If you experience symptoms of a urinary tract infection, consult your doctor. Treatment with antibiotics or other medications may be provided as needed.


If you experience symptoms of pancreatitis, consult your doctor immediately. Pancreatitis can be life-threatening if it becomes severe, so early treatment is important.

Heart failure

If you experience symptoms of heart failure, consult your doctor immediately. Heart failure can be life-threatening if it becomes severe, so early treatment is important.

Skin reactions

If you experience a skin reaction, consult your doctor. Treatment with steroid ointment or other medications may be provided as needed.

Bullous pemphigoid

If you experience symptoms of bullous pemphigoid, consult your doctor immediately. Bullous pemphigoid can be life-threatening if it becomes severe, so early treatment is important.

Comparison between studies

Common points of studies

Many studies have shown that saxagliptin is effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Saxagliptin has also been shown to be effective when used in combination with other diabetes medications. Furthermore, saxagliptin has been shown to have a lower risk of hypoglycemia than other diabetes medications.

Differences between studies

Some studies have shown that saxagliptin may increase the risk of heart failure. 4 However, other studies have not found such an association. 28 Some studies have also shown that saxagliptin may increase the risk of pancreatitis. 27 However, other studies have not found such an association. 11

Precautions for applying research to real life

Saxagliptin has been shown to be effective in controlling blood sugar levels as a treatment for type 2 diabetes. However, some studies have shown that saxagliptin has a risk of side effects such as heart failure and pancreatitis. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking saxagliptin and confirm that it is right for your body type. You should also see your doctor regularly while taking saxagliptin. If you experience symptoms such as heart failure or pancreatitis while taking saxagliptin, consult your doctor immediately.

Limitations of current research

Research on saxagliptin is still not comprehensive enough. In particular, research on long-term safety and efficacy is still lacking. Therefore, much remains unknown about the long-term effects of saxagliptin.

Future directions for research

To further advance research on saxagliptin, studies on long-term safety and efficacy are needed. Research is also needed to elucidate the mechanisms by which saxagliptin causes side effects such as heart failure and pancreatitis.


Saxagliptin is an effective treatment for type 2 diabetes. While saxagliptin is generally well-tolerated, some potential side effects have been reported, including an increased risk of hospitalization for heart failure and pancreatitis. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor about the potential risks and benefits of saxagliptin before starting treatment. It is also important to report any side effects you experience to your doctor.

Benefit Keywords
Risk Keywords
Literature analysis of 28 papers
Positive Content
Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : Hungarian

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Author: Lo ReVincent, HaynesKevin, MingEileen E, Wood IvesJennifer, HorneLaura N, FortierKimberly, CarbonariDena M, HennessySean, CardilloSerena, ReesePeter P, ReddyK Rajender, MargolisDavid, ApterAndrea, KimmelStephen E, RoyJason, FreemanCristin P, RazzaghiHanieh, HolickCrystal N, EspositoDaina B, Van StaaTjeerd-Pieter, BhullarHarshvinder, StromBrian L

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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