Side Effects of siddha medicine: A Synthesis of Findings from 6 Studies
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Major Research Findings
Two Siddha polyherbal decoctions, Nilavembu Kudineer (NVK) and Kaba Sura Kudineer (KSK), have been shown to be effective in managing mild to moderate symptomatic COVID-19 patients compared to placebo. 3
Music interventions have been used to alleviate symptoms and treatment side effects in cancer patients. 1 , 2
Traditional Indian medicine and homeopathy (TIMH) are widely used in India for HIV/AIDS management, but there is limited knowledge about their safety and efficacy. 5
In Eastern Sri Lanka, Siddha medicine utilizes 171 plant species for treating diabetes. These plants often have scientific backing for their traditional uses. 4
Wrightia tinctoria, a Siddha medicinal herb, may be effective in treating psoriasis, and its mechanism of action has been elucidated through systems pharmacology. 6
Reasons for Side Effects
Side effects in Siddha medicine can arise due to various factors, including the herb's composition, patient's health condition, dosage, and interactions with other medications or substances.
Common Side Effects
Digestive System
Some Siddha herbs may affect the digestive system. This can lead to symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, and nausea.
Certain Siddha herbs can trigger allergic reactions. These reactions can manifest as rashes, itching, and difficulty breathing.
Liver Toxicity
Certain herbs have the potential to be toxic to the liver. Symptoms of liver toxicity include jaundice, abdominal pain, and fatigue.
Kidney Toxicity
Some herbs can be toxic to the kidneys. Symptoms of kidney toxicity include changes in urine volume, swelling, and fatigue.
Nervous System
Certain herbs can impact the nervous system. Side effects related to the nervous system may include dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, and excitation.
Side Effect Management
Consult a Physician
It is crucial to consult a doctor before using any Siddha herbal remedies. A doctor can provide advice on the safety of the herb and its suitability for the patient's health condition.
Adhere to Herb Dosage
Herb dosage varies depending on the type of herb and the patient's health condition. It is important to adhere to the doctor's instructions and maintain a safe dosage range.
Interactions with Other Medications
Siddha herbs can interact with other medications. It's essential to inform your doctor about any other medications you are taking before using herbs.
Actions to Take if Side Effects Occur
If you experience any side effects while taking herbs, discontinue use immediately and consult your doctor.
Comparison Across Studies
Multiple studies indicate that Siddha medicinal herbs are effective in treating specific conditions.
Studies vary in the herbs used, therapeutic effects observed, study design, and sample sizes.
Cautions Regarding Application in Daily Life
It is crucial to use Siddha medicinal herbs with appropriate knowledge and caution. Herbs are not medicines, and their use should be restricted to health maintenance and prevention, not for treating diseases.
Limitations of Current Research
Research on Siddha medicine is still insufficient, particularly concerning side effects.
Future Research Directions
Further research on the safety and efficacy of Siddha medicine is required, especially studies focusing on side effects and clinical trials.
Siddha medicine, as a traditional medical system, holds the potential to aid in the treatment of numerous ailments. However, using it wisely with appropriate knowledge and caution is paramount for ensuring safety. Always consult a doctor before using any herbs.
Article Type
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