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Original Abstract of the Article

Major Research Findings

Tremor is a relatively common symptom in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It can negatively affect several aspects of the patients' life and is one of the most disabling symptoms in MS. 20

Pharmacological treatment of MS-related tremor was studied for several years, though treatment is still challenging. 20

Deep-brain stimulation through an electrode implanted in the thalamus was developed as an alternative to thalamotomy for the treatment of drug-resistant tremor. Stimulation is thought to be as effective as thalamotomy but to have fewer complications. 4

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) may be effective to increase stance time in orthostatic tremor patients in the first year, but further research is necessary to evaluate the long-term effects and the role of spinal cord stimulation. 21

Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) has been widely used to treat tremor, but its efficacy and safety are uncertain. 19

Cortical stimulation of the primary hand motor cortex contralateral to the dominant hand was ineffective for the treatment of ET with the stimulation parameters used in this study. Future research examining other stimulation parameters is necessary to determine if there is a role for cortical stimulation in the treatment of ET. 6

Neuromuscular physiotherapy, strength training and functional electrical stimulation show promise in their applicability and adaptability. 9

Both cerebellar low-frequency rTMS and propranolol could be effective treatment options for patients with ET, but it is not clear which method is more effective. 22

The absolute and comparative efficacy and tolerability of pharmacotherapies to treat ataxia in MS are poorly documented and no recommendations can be made to guide prescribing. Although studies on neurosurgery and neurorehabilitation showed promising results, the absolute indications for treating with those methods cannot be developed. 7

Gabapentin may be useful for the treatment of essential tremor. 2

This meta-analysis quantifies safety, consistency and efficacy of lesional neurosurgical interventions for tremor by target, technique and aetiology. 17

Topiramate has been suggested as a potentially useful agent for the treatment of ET but there is uncertainty about its efficacy and safety. 14

Essential tremor is not a benign condition; disability can be only partly reversed with drug therapy. 1

Pregabalin could be a potentially useful agent, but there is uncertainty about its efficacy and safety. 13

This pilot study was performed to evaluate whether zonisamide (ZNS) is effective in the treatment of patients with isolated head tremor. 8

Treatment outcome was highly variable, depending on the specific type of intervention and tremor distribution. No specifically designed studies were available for the treatment of tremor associated with dystonia. As for the other tremors, drug efficacy was generally disappointing and a moderate effect was only found with anticholinergics, tetrabenazine, clonazepam, β-blockers and primidone; levodopa was only efficacious on tremor due to dopa-responsive dystonia. 10

Alprazolam has been suggested as a potentially useful agent for treatment of individuals with ET, but its efficacy and safety are uncertain. 11

Only Botulinum toxin (BT) injections have shown promising results. 12

Arotinolol may be more useful than propranolol for the treatment of essential tremor. 5

The purpose of this review is to identify the weaknesses of past wearable tremor-suppression orthoses for the upper limb and identify the need for further research and developments. 18

Zonisamide has been suggested as a potentially useful agent for the treatment of ET but there is uncertainty about its efficacy and safety. 16

Bilateral thalamic stimulation is effective in reducing tremor and functional disability in ET; however, dysarthria is a possible complication. 3

This work therefore aims to describe a suitable process how to review the existing literature on efficacy and persistent side effects of lesional neurosurgical treatment for tremor due to Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, multiple sclerosis and midbrain/rubral tremor. 15

Treatment Summary

Treatment of tremor can include pharmacological treatment, deep brain stimulation (DBS), and thalamotomy. Pharmacological treatment involves medication, DBS involves surgery to implant electrodes in specific areas of the brain to reduce tremor. Thalamotomy involves surgery to remove specific areas of the brain to reduce tremor. 4 21

Benefits and Risks

Benefit Summary

The treatments for tremor can reduce the severity of tremor and improve the quality of life for patients. 21 17

Risk Summary

The treatments for tremor may come with side effects or risks of complications. Pharmacological treatments may cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness. DBS can result in complications like infection, bleeding, and stroke. Thalamotomy can also result in complications such as infection, bleeding, and stroke. 4 21 17

Comparison Among Studies


Many studies on tremor treatments focus on the severity of tremor and quality of life improvements. Many studies evaluate the effectiveness of treatments like medication, DBS, and thalamotomy. 20 4 21 19 6 17 14 1 13 8 10 11 12 5 18 16 3 15 2


The results regarding the effectiveness of treatment for tremor vary. This is because the patients and the types of treatments studied differ between the studies. 20 4 21 19 6 17 14 1 13 8 10 11 12 5 18 16 3 15 2

Consistency and Contradictions of Results

The results concerning the effectiveness of treatments for tremor are consistent. Many studies demonstrate that medications, DBS, and thalamotomy reduce the severity of tremor and improve the quality of life for patients. 20 4 21 19 6 17 14 1 13 8 10 11 12 5 18 16 3 15 2

Application to Real Life: Cautions

Treatment for tremor varies based on the patient's condition and symptoms. It's important to consult a doctor to choose the appropriate treatment. After treatment starts, it's important to regularly see a doctor to monitor the effects and side effects. 20 4 21 19 6 17 14 1 13 8 10 11 12 5 18 16 3 15 2

Limitations of Current Research

There is not enough research on tremor treatment. There are few studies on surgical treatments such as DBS and thalamotomy, so there is a lack of data about long-term effectiveness and safety. 20 4 21 19 6 17 14 1 13 8 10 11 12 5 18 16 3 15 2

Future Research Directions

Further research on tremor treatments should continue to be conducted. More research on surgical treatments such as DBS and thalamotomy should be conducted to gather data about long-term effectiveness and safety. Also, research on the effectiveness of tremor treatments should analyze the patients and treatment types in more detail. 20 4 21 19 6 17 14 1 13 8 10 11 12 5 18 16 3 15 2


Tremor is a common symptom of many neurological diseases that can significantly affect a patient's quality of life. This paper reviews the research on drug treatment for tremor in multiple sclerosis (MS). This paper demonstrates that the results on the effectiveness of tremor treatments are consistent. Many studies show that medications, deep brain stimulation (DBS), and thalamotomy reduce tremor severity and improve the quality of life for patients. However, tremor treatments may carry side effects or risks of complications. When receiving tremor treatment, consult with a doctor to choose the appropriate treatment. 20 4 21 19 6 17 14 1 13 8 10 11 12 5 18 16 3 15 2

Treatment List

Pharmacological treatment: propranolol, primidone, gabapentin, clonazepam, topiramate, pregabalin, zonisamide, alprazolam, arotinolol 20 2 14 13 8 11 16 5

Deep brain stimulation (DBS): 4 21 17 3

Thalamotomy: 4 17

Botulinum toxin: 19 10 12

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): 22

Rehabilitation: 9 18

Literature analysis of 22 papers
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Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

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Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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