Side Effects of turmeric: A Synthesis of Findings from 25 Studies
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Major Research Findings
Turmeric, a spice containing curcumin, has been used as a health food since ancient times. In recent years, its anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects have been attracting attention, and various studies are being conducted. These studies have shown that turmeric may be effective in preventing and treating cancer. 9 6 12 Turmeric is also expected to have the effect of reducing the side effects of chemotherapy. 13 However, it has been pointed out that turmeric may affect liver health, so caution is required. 25
Reasons for Side Effects
The cause of turmeric side effects is due to ingredients such as curcumin. Curcumin can interact with various enzymes in the body and potentially alter their functions. For example, curcumin can inhibit the activity of an enzyme called CYP3A4, which can affect drug metabolism. 17 Curcumin can also activate the immune system and potentially cause allergic reactions. Additionally, curcumin can stimulate digestive function and potentially cause gastrointestinal discomfort.
Common Side Effects
Digestive System
Turmeric can stimulate gastrointestinal function, which can lead to digestive side effects such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. 20
Turmeric may affect the liver and potentially cause side effects such as liver dysfunction and hepatitis. 25
Turmeric can activate the immune system and potentially cause allergic reactions. 8
Measures for Side Effects
Digestive System
If you are concerned about digestive side effects, start with a small amount and gradually increase the amount. Also, taking turmeric with meals may reduce side effects.
As turmeric may affect the liver, avoid taking it if you have any liver abnormalities. If taking large amounts for a long period of time, it is important to have regular liver function tests.
If you experience an allergic reaction, stop taking turmeric immediately and consult a doctor.
Comparison Between Studies
Commonalities Among Studies
Multiple studies have shown that turmeric may have various health benefits. Particularly, its anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects are attracting attention.
Differences Between Studies
The effects and side effects of turmeric have varied depending on the study. Therefore, it is important to obtain sufficient information before taking turmeric.
Precautions for Application in Real Life
Turmeric is generally safe to consume as a food, but when consumed as a health food or supplement, it is necessary to consider the risk of side effects. In particular, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people undergoing medical treatment, and people undergoing drug treatment should consult a doctor before taking turmeric.
Limitations of Current Research
There is still not enough research on the effects and side effects of turmeric. Therefore, it is not possible to fully demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of turmeric.
Future Research Directions
Further research is needed to clarify the safety and effectiveness of turmeric. In particular, it is necessary to investigate the effects of long-term intake, as well as the effects and side effects on specific diseases.
Turmeric has a long history of use as a health food, and its anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects have attracted attention in recent years. However, it has also been pointed out that turmeric may affect the liver and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is important to obtain sufficient information before taking turmeric.
Benefit Keywords
Risk Keywords
Article Type
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