The effectiveness of animal-assisted therapy for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review.

Author: CarusoVictoria Rose, KumarSaravana, RehnAmy Kate

Paper Details 
Original Abstract of the Article :
and purpose Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience difficulty with communication, learning, behaviour, and social interactions. Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a growing alternative and complementary therapy for ASD. This review aims to investigate the effectiveness of AAT for c...See full text at original site
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The Potential of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

In the vast and complex world of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), like a desert stretching endlessly under the scorching sun, researchers are constantly seeking innovative therapies to help individuals with ASD navigate the challenges they face in communication, learning, behavior, and social interactions. This study, a fascinating exploration into the potential of animal-assisted therapy (AAT), delves into the effectiveness of this approach for children and adolescents with ASD.

The researchers, like skilled desert navigators, conducted a systematic review of the existing literature on AAT for ASD, meticulously examining its impact on various aspects of the disorder, including cognitive, social, emotional, behavioral, and physical development. Their findings, like oases in the desert, suggest that AAT may hold promise as a valuable therapeutic tool for individuals with ASD.

Animal-Assisted Therapy: A Potential Pathway for Improved Outcomes

The review reveals that AAT has shown positive results in improving communication, social skills, and behavioral regulation in children with ASD. These findings, like the discovery of a hidden oasis in the desert, offer hope for families seeking effective therapies for their children.

Finding Hope and Connection Through Animals

The study, like a compass guiding us through the complexities of ASD, underscores the potential of AAT to enhance the lives of individuals with this disorder. The unique bond between humans and animals, like the symbiotic relationship between camels and desert nomads, can create a powerful avenue for fostering communication, social interaction, and emotional well-being.

Dr. Camel's Conclusion

This study, like a journey through the desert, reminds us that there are often unconventional paths to achieving positive outcomes. Animal-assisted therapy, like finding a hidden spring in the desert, offers a unique and potentially powerful tool for supporting individuals with ASD.

Date :
  1. Date Completed 2023-01-24
  2. Date Revised 2023-02-01
Further Info :

Pubmed ID


DOI: Digital Object Identifier


Related Literature

in preparation


Positive IndicatorAn AI analysis index that serves as a benchmark for how positive the results of the study are. Note that it is a benchmark and requires careful interpretation and consideration of different perspectives.

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