Amoxicillin induced fever, rash, and catatonia - A case study.

Author: KrishnanVijay, MishraMayank Kumar, PandaPrasan Kumar, RankaRajat, ShahBishal Pratap, YadavChunnu Kumar

Paper Details 
Original Abstract of the Article :
INTRODUCTION: Adverse drug reactions (ADR) are defined as any harmful or unpleasant events or injuries resulting from the use of any particular drug. Among those antibiotics that cause adverse reactions, amoxicillin is one of them. Catatonia and vasculitic rash are its rare adverse effects. CASE PR...See full text at original site
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Amoxicillin-Induced Catatonia: A Rare Desert Oasis in the World of Drug Reactions

Adverse drug reactions can be like stumbling upon a hidden oasis in the desert – sometimes unexpected and potentially dangerous. This case study examines a rare and serious adverse reaction to amoxicillin, a common antibiotic. The researchers describe a postpartum woman who developed fever, rash, and catatonia after taking amoxicillin.

Amoxicillin: A Potentially Unforeseen Reaction

The study highlights the importance of recognizing the potential for rare and serious side effects from even commonly used medications. It’s like a hidden sandstorm – even a familiar desert route can sometimes lead to unexpected challenges. The researchers emphasize the need for careful monitoring and prompt identification of potential drug reactions.

Awareness and Vigilance: Essential Tools for Safe Drug Use

This case study emphasizes the importance of awareness and vigilance when it comes to drug reactions. It’s like carrying a compass through a desert – we need to stay informed and alert to potential risks. Healthcare providers should be aware of the potential for rare adverse reactions to commonly used medications, and patients should be encouraged to report any unusual symptoms they experience.

Dr. Camel's Conclusion

This case study reminds us that even seemingly straightforward medications can have unexpected consequences. It's like a camel crossing a desert – we must be prepared for the unknown and be vigilant about potential hazards along the way.

Date :
  1. Date Completed n.d.
  2. Date Revised 2023-03-09
Further Info :

Pubmed ID


DOI: Digital Object Identifier


Related Literature

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Positive IndicatorAn AI analysis index that serves as a benchmark for how positive the results of the study are. Note that it is a benchmark and requires careful interpretation and consideration of different perspectives.

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