Nutritional and Behavioral Countermeasures as Medication Approaches to Relieve Motion Sickness: A Comprehensive Review.

Author: AsadiHoushyar, LacyKathleen, MohamedShady, NahavandiDarius, PławiakPaweł, QazaniMohammadreza Chalak, RahimzadehGhazal, TayAbdullatif, TravicaNikolaj

Paper Details 
Original Abstract of the Article :
The mismatch in signals perceived by the vestibular and visual systems to the brain, also referred to as motion sickness syndrome, has been diagnosed as a challenging condition with no clear mechanism. Motion sickness causes undesirable symptoms during travel and in virtual environments that affect ...See full text at original site
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Motion Sickness: Navigating the Sensory Storms

This research explores the perplexing world of motion sickness, a condition that can turn even the most enjoyable journey into a rollercoaster of discomfort. The study delves into the complex interplay between the vestibular and visual systems, which can lead to conflicting signals to the brain, causing nausea and vomiting. While medications can offer temporary relief, their long-term use is often hindered by side effects. This study embarks on a quest to identify non-pharmacological strategies that can effectively reduce or prevent motion sickness, seeking a more natural approach to managing this debilitating condition.

Beyond Pills: Seeking Natural Remedies for Motion Sickness

The research findings suggest that natural interventions, such as engaging in pleasant music and diaphragmatic breathing, can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, potentially alleviating motion sickness symptoms. The study also highlights the potential benefits of certain micronutrients, such as hesperidin, menthol, vitamin C, and gingerol. While the effects of macronutrients are more complex, research points towards the efficacy of herbal dietary formulations such as Tianxian and Tamzin, offering a promising natural alternative to traditional medications.

Harnessing Nature's Power to Tame the Sensory Storms

This research suggests that natural interventions can be a powerful tool in the fight against motion sickness. The study's findings encourage us to explore a holistic approach to managing this condition, combining dietary adjustments, behavioral modifications, and herbal remedies. This research reminds us that the desert of discomfort can be navigated with a combination of natural strategies, offering a smoother journey for those prone to motion sickness.

Dr. Camel's Conclusion

This research opens a new chapter in the fight against motion sickness. It encourages us to explore the vast desert of natural remedies, seeking solutions that are gentle on the body and effective in combating the unpleasant symptoms of this condition. Just as a camel can navigate a harsh desert, these natural interventions provide a path towards alleviating the discomfort of motion sickness.

Date :
  1. Date Completed 2023-03-30
  2. Date Revised 2023-03-31
Further Info :

Pubmed ID


DOI: Digital Object Identifier


Related Literature

Article Analysis
in preparation


Positive IndicatorAn AI analysis index that serves as a benchmark for how positive the results of the study are. Note that it is a benchmark and requires careful interpretation and consideration of different perspectives.

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