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["IThink it's Good that they Choose who they want to be Stroked by" -The Support Quality of Animal-BasedTherapy].
Author: HawranekPia, KasperLea, SchrammElisabeth, TaubnerSvenja, WeiglMelanie
Original Abstract of the Article :
For Adolescents with personality impairments it's often difficult to accept therapy offers. Personality impairment may be preceded by (early childhood) trauma, which undermines trust in others.Thus, adolescents with traumatic experience often have limited motivation to start psychotherapy, also due ...See full text at original site
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Animal-Assisted Therapy: A New Oasis for Adolescents with Personality Impairments
Adolescents with personality impairments often struggle to engage in traditional therapies, making it challenging to address their emotional and behavioral difficulties. This study explores the potential of animal-assisted group therapy as a complementary intervention for adolescents with personality impairments, specifically those with a history of trauma. The researchers piloted an animal-assisted therapy program, incorporating alpacas into a group setting alongside individual mentalization-based therapy. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of animal-assisted therapy on adolescents' motivation, trust, and overall therapeutic success. The findings suggest that alpacas can be valuable therapeutic companions, fostering a sense of connection, trust, and engagement in adolescents with personality impairments.
A New Horizon: Utilizing Animals to Build Trust and Motivation
This study highlights the potential of animal-assisted therapy to overcome barriers to engagement in traditional therapies for adolescents with personality impairments. The researchers observed that the presence of alpacas fostered a sense of trust and connection, promoting a more positive and engaging therapeutic experience for adolescents with a history of trauma. This finding suggests that animal-assisted therapy can be a valuable tool in helping adolescents with personality impairments to develop more positive relationships and to progress in their therapeutic journey.
Finding a Safe Space: The Benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy
This study underscores the power of human-animal interaction in promoting healing and well-being. It suggests that animal-assisted therapy, especially with the use of alpacas, can create a safe and supportive environment for adolescents with personality impairments. This approach offers a unique and potentially effective way to address the challenges of trust and motivation in this population.
Dr. Camel's Conclusion
This study, like a refreshing oasis in the midst of a difficult journey, showcases the potential of animal-assisted therapy to help adolescents with personality impairments find their way. The use of alpacas as therapeutic companions offers a unique and promising approach to fostering trust, motivation, and healing. This research highlights the importance of considering innovative and compassionate methods to support adolescents with personality impairments, leading them towards a brighter and healthier future.
Date :
- Date Completed 2023-12-07
- Date Revised 2023-12-07
Further Info :
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