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Original Abstract of the Article

Main research findings

Apomorphine is a drug used to treat Parkinson's disease, and it has been shown to be highly effective in managing both motor and non-motor symptoms of the disease. 3 Apomorphine works by acting on dopamine receptors and promoting dopamine neurotransmission, which helps alleviate symptoms of Parkinson's disease. 4 Apomorphine can be administered via transdermal patches or subcutaneous injections, and transdermal administration provides a more sustained effect. 4 Apomorphine has been shown to be more effective than levodopa. 4 It has also been shown to reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesia. 4 On the other hand, apomorphine can cause side effects and needs to be used with caution. 5

Reasons for side effects

The side effects of apomorphine are due to its action on dopamine receptors. Dopamine receptors are found in various parts of the brain and play different roles. Apomorphine can cause various side effects by over-acting on dopamine receptors.

Common side effects

Nausea and vomiting

Many patients have reported experiencing nausea and vomiting after apomorphine administration. 4 This is thought to be due to apomorphine stimulating the vomiting center in the brain. To prevent nausea and vomiting, apomorphine can be administered slowly, or antiemetics can be administered beforehand.


Apomorphine can cause drowsiness. 4 This is thought to be due to apomorphine stimulating the sleep center in the brain. Drowsiness can be reduced by adjusting the dose of apomorphine.


Apomorphine can cause hypotension. 4 This is thought to be due to apomorphine dilating blood vessels. To prevent hypotension, apomorphine can be administered slowly, and adequate hydration is important.

Psychotic symptoms

Apomorphine can cause psychotic symptoms. 4 This is thought to be due to apomorphine over-acting on dopamine receptors in the brain, which can cause symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. To prevent psychotic symptoms, the dose of apomorphine can be adjusted, or antipsychotic medications can be used concurrently.

Cutaneous necrosis at injection sites

When apomorphine is administered subcutaneously, necrosis can occur at the injection site. 5 This is thought to be due to apomorphine constricting blood vessels, which impedes blood flow to the tissue. To prevent necrosis, apomorphine should be injected slowly, and the injection site should be properly disinfected. If necrosis occurs, appropriate treatment should be received under the guidance of a physician.

Measures to counter side effects

Nausea and vomiting

To prevent nausea and vomiting, apomorphine is administered slowly. 4 It can also be helpful to administer antiemetics beforehand.


To prevent drowsiness, the dose of apomorphine is adjusted. 4


To prevent hypotension, apomorphine is administered slowly. 4 It is also important to stay well hydrated.

Psychotic symptoms

To prevent psychotic symptoms, the dose of apomorphine is adjusted. 4 It can also be helpful to use antipsychotic medications concurrently.

Cutaneous necrosis at injection sites

To prevent necrosis, apomorphine is injected slowly. 5 It is also important to properly disinfect the injection site. If necrosis occurs, appropriate treatment should be received under the guidance of a physician.

Comparison of studies

Commonalities of studies

All studies have shown that apomorphine is effective in treating Parkinson's disease. All studies have also shown that apomorphine can cause side effects.

Differences between studies

The method and dosage of apomorphine administration vary between studies. 3 Different studies have also shown that apomorphine has different side effects. 5 The incidence and severity of side effects also vary between studies.

Points to note about application in real life

Apomorphine is an effective drug for treating Parkinson's disease, but it has the risk of side effects. When taking apomorphine, follow your doctor's instructions carefully and consult your doctor immediately if you experience any side effects. Apomorphine should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Limitations of current research

Apomorphine can cause a variety of side effects. Research on how to reduce side effects is still insufficient. Furthermore, there is not enough research on the long-term safety and efficacy of apomorphine.

Directions for future research

Research is needed to reduce the side effects of apomorphine. Research is also needed to clarify the long-term safety and efficacy of apomorphine.


Apomorphine is an effective drug for treating Parkinson's disease, but it has the risk of side effects. When taking apomorphine, follow your doctor's instructions carefully and consult your doctor immediately if you experience any side effects.

Literature analysis of 7 papers
Positive Content
Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

Language : English

Language : French

Language : English

Language : Spanish

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