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Original Abstract of the Article

Main Research Findings

Bipolar disorder is ranked among the top ten causes of global disability and incurs high healthcare costs. 2 . Past research has shown that mood-stabilizing drug therapy combined with psychological treatments leads to significantly fewer relapses and a reduction in hospitalization rates. 2 . However, there is a wide spectrum of psychosocial intervention methods for individuals and groups that have been insufficiently examined on a scientific basis. 2 . Bipolar disorder is also associated with increased mortality. 11 .

Reasons for the Causes

Bipolar disorder is thought to be caused by a complex interplay of genetic factors, neurotransmitter abnormalities, and environmental factors. 6 . Studies on the pathophysiology suggest that mitochondrial modulators such as creatine monohydrate might have a therapeutic role. 1 . For example, a mouse model has shown that abnormalities in the ANK3 gene may cause behavioral and neurological changes characteristic of bipolar disorder. 9 . Furthermore, the Ca2+-calmodulin dependent protein kinase kinase-2 (CaMKK2) enzyme, which plays an important role in energy metabolism and neuronal activity in the brain, has been reported to be associated with genetic mutations in bipolar disorder. 18 . Research suggests that the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) may be involved in causing bipolar disorder. 5 .

Common Causes

Genetic Factors

Bipolar disorder is highly heritable, and individuals with a family history of the disorder have an increased risk of developing it. 17 . Specific gene mutations have been identified that increase the risk of bipolar disorder. 6 . For example, a mouse model has shown that abnormalities in the ANK3 gene may cause behavioral and neurological changes characteristic of bipolar disorder. 9 .

Neurotransmitter Abnormalities

Imbalances in neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are thought to be involved in the development of bipolar disorder. 18 . Research suggests that the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) may be involved in causing bipolar disorder. 5 .

Environmental Factors

Various environmental factors, including stress, trauma, substance abuse, and sleep deprivation, can influence the development of bipolar disorder. 7 . Research suggests that the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) may be involved in causing bipolar disorder. 5 . The COVID-19 pandemic is also believed to have an impact on the prevalence of mood disorders. 10 .

Countermeasures for the Causes

Countermeasures for Genetic Factors

Since genetic factors cannot be controlled, it is important to undergo genetic testing to understand the risk. 17 . Individuals with a family history should consult with a specialist early on. 7 .

Countermeasures for Neurotransmitter Abnormalities

Drug therapy may be effective in regulating neurotransmitter balance. 18 . Lifestyle changes such as exercise and diet therapy are also considered effective. 7 . Studies on the pathophysiology suggest that mitochondrial modulators such as creatine monohydrate might have a therapeutic role. 1 .

Countermeasures for Environmental Factors

It is important to incorporate relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga to reduce stress. 7 . If you have problems such as trauma or substance abuse, it is important to seek professional consultation and treatment. 7 .

Comparison Between Studies

Common Points of Studies

Many studies have shown that genes, neurotransmitter abnormalities, and environmental factors are involved in the development of bipolar disorder. 2 11 17 6 18 7 .

Differences in Studies

The causes and genetic associations that are the focus of each study vary. For example, one study shows that abnormalities in the ANK3 gene can cause behavioral and neurological changes characteristic of bipolar disorder, while other studies do not show this association. 9 . Also, regarding neurotransmitter abnormalities, there are studies that focus on specific neurotransmitters and studies that focus on the balance of multiple neurotransmitters. 18 . Some studies focus on specific causes, such as mitochondrial dysfunction. 5 As different perspectives and analytical methods are used in each study, caution must be exercised in interpreting the results.

Cautions Regarding Application to Real Life

As research results indicate, the development of bipolar disorder involves a complex interplay of genetic factors, neurotransmitter abnormalities, and environmental factors. 17 6 18 7 . Therefore, it is important to consider these factors comprehensively and take appropriate action. Undergoing genetic testing can help you understand your risk and consult with a specialist early on. 17 7 . You also need to proactively address environmental factors such as lifestyle changes, stress reduction, and addressing issues such as trauma and substance abuse. 7 .

Limitations of Current Research

Research on bipolar disorder is still in its early stages, and many challenges remain. Regarding the relationship between genes and disease, many genes may be involved, and not all of them have been fully elucidated. 17 6 . Also, much remains to be understood about environmental factors such as how much specific factors influence the disease and how they influence it. 7 . Further research is needed to understand the complex mechanisms of bipolar disorder.

Future Research Directions

To elucidate the fundamental causes and mechanisms of bipolar disorder, the following research is needed:

  • Identification and elucidation of the function of genes involved in bipolar disorder
  • Elucidation of the mechanisms of neurotransmitter abnormalities
  • Detailed research on how environmental factors affect bipolar disorder
  • Development of new treatments


Bipolar disorder is a disease that is caused by a complex interplay of genetic factors, neurotransmitter abnormalities, and environmental factors. 2 11 17 6 18 7 . It is important to consider these factors comprehensively and take appropriate action. Further research is needed to elucidate the fundamental causes and mechanisms of bipolar disorder.

Literature analysis of 19 papers
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