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Original Abstract of the Article

Main Research Findings

Calcium carbonate is a versatile compound with diverse applications ranging from drug delivery systems to food additives. Studies have revealed its promising potential in various fields. For instance, calcium carbonate nanoparticles have demonstrated efficacy as drug carriers in cancer treatment, enhancing the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents to tumor cells. 21 Furthermore, it has shown effectiveness in treating osteoporosis by promoting bone formation and increasing bone density. In the food industry, calcium carbonate acts as a food additive, improving food quality and extending its shelf life. 30

Reasons for Side Effects

While generally considered safe, calcium carbonate can induce side effects in individuals who consume excessive amounts or have specific sensitivities. 2 The primary reason for these side effects is attributed to the decomposition of calcium carbonate within the body, leading to the excessive release of calcium ions. This surplus of calcium ions elevates blood calcium levels, potentially impacting various organs and systems. 9

Common Side Effects

Digestive System

One of the most frequent side effects of calcium carbonate involves the digestive system. Individuals may experience constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea. 16 These symptoms are often attributed to the generation of carbon dioxide when calcium carbonate reacts with gastric acid. 18 Moreover, excessive calcium carbonate consumption can hinder intestinal motility, potentially leading to constipation. 27


Kidney stones are a potential side effect of calcium carbonate intake. The formation of kidney stones is linked to an excess of calcium in the urine. 2 The presence of kidney stones can manifest as intense pain and blood in the urine. 18


High doses of calcium carbonate can burden the heart, potentially causing arrhythmias. 2 Individuals with pre-existing heart conditions such as heart disease or high blood pressure should exercise caution when consuming calcium carbonate. 3


Other side effects associated with calcium carbonate include allergic reactions, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, and rashes. 17 20 If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek medical advice. 28

Countermeasures for Side Effects

Digestive System

To mitigate digestive side effects, it is recommended to consume calcium carbonate with water during meals. Consulting a doctor to determine the appropriate dosage before taking calcium carbonate is also crucial. 18


Preventing kidney stones involves maintaining adequate hydration. Dietary adjustments to limit calcium intake can also be beneficial. 2


Individuals with pre-existing heart conditions such as heart disease or high blood pressure should consult a doctor before taking calcium carbonate. 3


If you experience allergic reactions or other adverse effects while taking calcium carbonate, consult a doctor immediately. 17 20

Comparison between Studies

Commonalities between Studies

Numerous studies have consistently demonstrated the efficacy of calcium carbonate in cancer treatment and osteoporosis treatment. 21 Conversely, the potential for various side effects due to excessive calcium carbonate consumption has been consistently reported across multiple studies. 2 18

Differences between Studies

The frequency and nature of side effects associated with calcium carbonate can vary depending on the study. This variability is likely influenced by factors such as the age, sex, health status, and intake levels of the study participants. 2 Additionally, the manufacturing process and the composition of calcium carbonate might contribute to variations in the occurrence and type of side effects. 27

Precautions Regarding Practical Applications

Calcium carbonate is widely used as a food additive. However, it is crucial to be mindful of excessive consumption, as it can lead to various adverse effects. 30 When consuming foods containing calcium carbonate, it is essential to monitor intake levels and avoid excessive consumption. 13 Individuals with pre-existing heart conditions such as heart disease or high blood pressure should exercise extra caution when consuming calcium carbonate. 3

Limitations of Current Research

The body of research on the side effects of calcium carbonate remains incomplete. There is still a considerable amount of knowledge that needs to be gained, particularly concerning long-term side effects. 2 Moreover, the individual variability in response to calcium carbonate makes it challenging to predict side effects in all individuals. 28

Future Research Directions

To gain a deeper understanding of the side effects of calcium carbonate, long-term research is essential. 2 Research aimed at identifying the underlying causes of individual variations in side effects is equally important. 28


Calcium carbonate is a valuable substance with multiple applications. However, excessive intake can lead to various side effects. 2 Monitoring consumption levels and avoiding excessive intake is crucial. 13 Before consuming calcium carbonate, consulting a doctor to determine the appropriate dosage is highly recommended. 18

Literature analysis of 30 papers
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