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Original Abstract of the Article

Major Research Findings

Ephedra Herb is a traditional Chinese medicine used to treat headaches, bronchial asthma, nasal inflammation, and the common cold. 18 While ephedrine alkaloids (EAs) are considered the primary active ingredient, they are known to cause side effects like palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, and dysuria. 18 This means people with cardiovascular diseases should avoid medications containing EAs. 18

Herbacetin, a flavonoid aglycone found in Ephedra Herb, was found to have antiproliferative and analgesic effects. 18 This raises the possibility of developing safer natural medicines that avoid the negative effects associated with EAs. 18

Ephedra is marketed as a weight-loss supplement, but there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. 21 Furthermore, ephedra can lead to serious side effects affecting the heart and nervous system, making its use risky. 9 25 3 5 24 22 19

Ephedra can also lead to liver toxicity. 6 2 Ephedra intake may increase myocardial irritability, potentially increasing the risk of sudden death in young individuals. 8

Reasons for Side Effects

Ephedra contains ephedrine alkaloids, which have a stimulating effect on the sympathetic nervous system. 18 Ephedrine can accelerate heart rate and increase blood pressure, leading to side effects like palpitations and hypertension. 18 Ephedrine can also excite nerve cells in the brain, causing side effects like insomnia and anxiety. 18 Ephedra can damage liver cells, potentially leading to liver toxicity. 6 2

Common Side Effects


Ephedra can cause palpitations due to its ability to increase heart rate. 18 9 5 19


Ephedra can lead to hypertension by increasing blood pressure. 18 9 5


Ephedra can cause insomnia because it stimulates nerve cells in the brain. 18 9 3


Ephedra can lead to anxiety due to its stimulatory effect on nerve cells in the brain. 18


Ephedra can cause difficulties in urination. 18

Liver Toxicity

Ephedra can cause liver toxicity by damaging liver cells. 6 2

Increased Myocardial Irritability

Ephedra may increase myocardial irritability, potentially increasing the risk of sudden death in young individuals. 8

Side Effects Management


If you experience palpitations, discontinue ephedra use. 18


If you experience hypertension, discontinue ephedra use. 18


If you experience insomnia, discontinue ephedra use. 18


If you experience anxiety, discontinue ephedra use. 18


If you experience dysuria, discontinue ephedra use. 18

Liver Toxicity

If you are concerned about liver toxicity, discontinue ephedra use. 6 2

Comparison Across Studies

Commonalities Across Studies

Multiple studies have shown that ephedra can cause side effects in the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and liver. 18 21 9 25 3 5 24 22 19 6 2 8

Differences Across Studies

The severity and frequency of ephedra side effects can vary depending on individual factors like body type and dosage. 18 9 25 3 5 24 22 19 6 2 8

Real-life Application Considerations

Ephedra should not be used by individuals with cardiovascular diseases or pregnant or breastfeeding women. 18 If considering ephedra use, consult with your doctor. 18

Limitations of Current Research

Research on ephedra side effects is still limited. 18 21 9 25 3 5 24 22 19 6 2 8

Future Research Directions

Further research on ephedra side effects is needed. 18 21 9 25 3 5 24 22 19 6 2 8


Ephedra can cause side effects in the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and liver, making caution in its use essential. 18 21 9 25 3 5 24 22 19 6 2 8 If considering ephedra use, consult with your doctor. 18

Literature analysis of 25 papers
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Negative Content
Article Type

Language : Spanish

Author: TakemotoHiroaki, TakahashiJun, HyugaSumiko, OdaguchiHiroshi, UchiyamaNahoko, MaruyamaTakuro, YamashitaTadatoshi, HyugaMasashi, OshimaNaohiro, AmakuraYoshiaki, HakamatsukaTakashi, GodaYukihiro, HanawaToshihiko, KobayashiYoshinori

Language : English

Language : English

Language : Japanese

Language : English

Language : English

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Language : Hebrew

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Language : English

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Language : English

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