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Original Abstract of the Article

Major Research Findings

Venlafaxine is a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression and anxiety. Although venlafaxine is an effective medication, it can cause some side effects. Recent studies have shown that venlafaxine may cause weight gain, sexual side effects, digestive side effects, metabolic side effects, heart side effects, and neurological side effects. Also, venlafaxine can interact with other medications and cause serious side effects.

Reasons for side effects

Venlafaxine's side effects are caused by its inhibition of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. Serotonin and norepinephrine are neurotransmitters involved in mood, sleep, appetite, and sex drive. Venlafaxine increases the levels of these neurotransmitters, which can cause side effects by disrupting the balance of these neurotransmitters.

Common side effects

Weight gain

Venlafaxine can cause an increase in appetite and a decrease in metabolism, which can lead to weight gain. 17 , 5

Sexual side effects

Venlafaxine can cause sexual side effects such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculatory disorders. 12 , 5

Digestive side effects

Venlafaxine can cause digestive side effects such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea. 17

Metabolic side effects

Venlafaxine can cause metabolic side effects such as increased blood sugar and cholesterol. 16

Heart side effects

Venlafaxine can cause heart side effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. 13 , 21 , 2

Neurological side effects

Venlafaxine can cause neurological side effects such as dizziness, headache, drowsiness, insomnia, and tremors. 3 , 1

Side effects management

Weight gain

To prevent weight gain, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. You can also talk to your doctor about getting advice on weight management.

Sexual side effects

If you experience sexual side effects, talk to your doctor about switching to a different medication or adjusting the dose of venlafaxine.

Digestive side effects

If you experience digestive side effects, you can consider dietary changes or medication. Talk to your doctor to find the right solution for you.

Metabolic side effects

If you experience metabolic side effects, talk to your doctor about getting advice on managing blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Heart side effects

If you experience heart side effects, talk to your doctor immediately.

Neurological side effects

If you experience neurological side effects, talk to your doctor to find the right solution for you.

Comparison between studies

Commonalities of studies

Multiple studies have shown that venlafaxine can cause side effects such as weight gain, sexual side effects, and digestive side effects. These side effects are caused by venlafaxine inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Differences in studies

Each study had different frequencies and severities of side effects. This is likely due to a variety of factors, such as the age, gender, health status, and other medications taken by the study participants. Differences in research methods may also have contributed.

Points to note regarding application to real life

It's important to understand the risks of side effects when taking venlafaxine. If you experience any side effects, talk to your doctor right away. Before taking venlafaxine, talk to your doctor to check for potential interactions with other medications.

Limitations of current research

There is still not enough research on the side effects of venlafaxine. More research is needed on long-term side effects and side effects in specific populations, especially children and adolescents.

Future research directions

Further research on the side effects of venlafaxine should focus on the following: * Long-term side effects * Side effects in specific populations * Mechanisms of side effects * Prevention and treatment of side effects


Venlafaxine is an effective medication for treating depression and anxiety, but it can cause some side effects. If you are taking venlafaxine, be aware of the risks of side effects and talk to your doctor immediately if you experience any. More research is needed on the side effects of venlafaxine.

Literature analysis of 23 papers
Positive Content
Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Author: HussaartsKoen G A M, BergerFlorine A, BinkhorstLisette, Oomen-de HoopEsther, van LeeuwenRoelof W F, van AlphenRobbert J, Mathijssen-van SteinDaniëlle, de GrootNatasja M S, MathijssenRon H J, van GelderTeun

Language : English

Language : English

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