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Original Abstract of the Article

Major research findings

Powerlifting is a strength sport that involves the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Recent studies have shown that powerlifting training can impact various aspects of the body. 8 found that powerlifters who wore compressive gear during training showed greater increases in squat and deadlift weight, as well as total weight lifted compared to those who did not wear gear. This suggests that compressive gear may enhance training intensity and contribute to performance improvements. 29 revealed that muscle hypertrophy affects moment arm length. Moment arm plays a crucial role in how efficiently muscles exert force on joints and is essential for powerlifting, which involves handling heavy loads. 4 demonstrated that testosterone contributes to muscle mass growth. Testosterone is a male hormone that promotes muscle growth. Powerlifting training focuses on strength gains, making testosterone a significant factor. 19 investigated the effect of training cessation on muscle strength. The study found that while lower body strength remained consistent after a 3-day break from training, upper body strength decreased after a 5-day break following 4 weeks of strength training. 11 cautioned that the misuse of anabolic steroids can negatively impact cardiovascular health. Anabolic steroids promote muscle growth but can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Since powerlifting involves high-intensity training, anabolic steroid use should be carefully considered. These studies suggest that powerlifting can influence muscle strength, bone density, body composition, and performance.

Benefits and Risks

Benefits summary

Powerlifting benefits include increased muscle strength, enhanced bone density, improved body composition, and performance enhancement. 8 reported that wearing powerlifting gear led to increased squat and deadlift weight, resulting in performance improvements. 29 suggested that muscle hypertrophy impacts moment arm length, which is essential for powerlifting. 4 showed that testosterone contributes to muscle mass growth, which is crucial for strength gains in powerlifting. 27 indicated that powerlifting training increases bone density. Based on these research findings, powerlifting appears to be an effective way to improve muscle strength, bone density, and performance.

Risk summary

Powerlifting risks include potential injuries and health problems associated with anabolic steroid misuse. 18 highlighted the risk of injuries during powerlifting training. The risk of injury increases when high-intensity training is performed without proper guidance and form checks. 11 indicated that anabolic steroid misuse can negatively impact the cardiovascular system. Anabolic steroids, while promoting muscle growth, can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Due to the high-intensity training involved in powerlifting, anabolic steroid use should be carefully considered.

Comparison across studies

Similarities across studies

Many studies have suggested that powerlifting is beneficial for enhancing muscle strength, increasing bone density, and improving body composition. Research has also pointed out the risks associated with powerlifting, such as the potential for injuries and the health consequences of anabolic steroid misuse. These studies indicate that powerlifting can have a significant impact on the body.

Differences across studies

Different studies have yielded varying results regarding the extent of powerlifting's impact on the body and its specific effects. For instance, 8 suggested that wearing powerlifting gear may contribute to performance improvements, while 19 showed contrasting findings regarding the influence of training cessation duration on muscle strength. These discrepancies may arise due to factors like participant characteristics, training methods, and research design. It is crucial to note that powerlifting can affect individuals differently based on their physical condition, goals, and training methods, making it difficult to generalize findings.

Consistency and contradictions in results

Powerlifting research reveals a mixture of consistent and conflicting results. Some studies demonstrate that powerlifting aids in improving muscle strength, bone density, and body composition. However, other studies highlight risks such as the potential for injuries and health problems related to anabolic steroid misuse. These contradictions could be attributed to factors like participant characteristics, training methods, and research design. As powerlifting's influence on the body can vary depending on various factors, interpreting research findings should consider these factors.

Points to note for applying results to real life

Powerlifting, when conducted under appropriate guidance, can contribute to healthy body development. However, the risks of injuries and health complications from anabolic steroid misuse underscore the importance of prioritizing safety during training. Before starting powerlifting, consulting a doctor or expert to identify suitable training methods and load levels is essential. Moreover, adhering to correct form, setting realistic load limits, and maintaining overall health are crucial. Powerlifting has the potential to promote health, but safety and careful implementation are paramount.

Limitations of current research

Powerlifting research is still in its early stages. There is much that remains unknown, particularly concerning the long-term impact of powerlifting on the body. Additionally, due to differences in participant characteristics, training methods, and research designs, generalizing findings from specific studies can be challenging.

Future research directions

Future powerlifting research should delve deeper into the long-term effects of powerlifting on the body. Developing safe and effective training methods for individuals across various age groups, genders, and fitness levels is crucial. Furthermore, research needs to be conducted to better understand the risks and prevention strategies related to anabolic steroid misuse.


Powerlifting holds potential as a beneficial exercise for enhancing muscle strength, improving bone density, and contributing to overall body health. However, the risk of injuries and potential health issues stemming from anabolic steroid misuse highlight the need for safe training practices. Before starting powerlifting, seeking guidance from a doctor or expert to determine suitable training methods is essential. It is crucial to adhere to proper form, maintain appropriate load levels, and prioritize overall health. Powerlifting can potentially promote health, but it requires a cautious and safety-conscious approach.

Benefit Keywords
Risk Keywords
Literature analysis of 29 papers
Positive Content
Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

Language : English

Author: BhasinS, WoodhouseL, StorerT W

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : German

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Author: ResendeMarcelo de Aquino, Vasconcelos ResendeRoberta Barreto, ReisGracielle Costa, BarrosLayanne de Oliveira, BezerraMadson Rodrigo Silva, MatosDihogo Gama de, MarçalAnderson Carlos, Almeida-NetoPaulo Francisco de, CabralBreno Guilherme de Araújo Tinoco, NeivaHenrique P, MarinhoDaniel A, MarquesMário C, ReisVictor Machado, GarridoNuno Domingos, AidarFelipe J

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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