Causes of spine injuries and disorders: A Synthesis of Findings from 24 Studies
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- Causes of spine injuries and disorders
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Major Research Findings
Spinal cord injuries are a serious medical problem that can significantly impact lives. 9 , 4 This research investigated the frequency, types, and causes of spinal cord injuries.
Reasons for Causes
Spinal cord injuries can be broadly categorized into traumatic and nontraumatic causes. Traumatic spinal cord injuries result from accidents or trauma. Nontraumatic spinal cord injuries result from disease or congenital factors.
Common Causes
Traumatic spinal cord injuries can be caused by car accidents, falls, and falls from heights. 9 , 13 These injuries can cause severe impacts to the spine, leading to fractures and dislocations.
Nontraumatic spinal cord injuries can be caused by congenital malformations, tumors, and infections. 21 Congenital malformations occur due to abnormalities in spinal development. Tumors occur when a tumor forms in the spine. Infections occur when bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens infect the spine.
Other causes of spinal cord injuries include spinal degeneration due to aging, excessive exercise or labor that puts strain on the spine, and chronic back pain. 5 Spinal degeneration due to aging occurs as the bones and cartilage of the spine weaken. Excessive exercise or labor that puts strain on the spine occurs when the spine is subjected to excessive loads. Chronic back pain can occur due to spinal structural abnormalities or nerve compression.
Cause Countermeasures
To prevent traumatic spinal cord injuries, it is important to be cautious of car accidents and falls, and to engage in safe behavior. 23 To avoid car accidents, drive safely. To avoid falls, pay attention to your surroundings.
To prevent nontraumatic spinal cord injuries, it is important to undergo regular health checkups and to detect and treat diseases early. 15 Also, congenital malformations are largely due to genetic factors, so be aware of family history.
To reduce the burden on your spine, it is important to be aware of correct posture, and to engage in stretching and warm-up exercises before and after exercise. 24 Also, consult a doctor if you have chronic back pain.
Comparison Between Studies
Commonalities Among Studies
These studies investigated various aspects of causes and treatments for spinal cord injuries.
Differences Among Studies
Since the diseases and research methods targeted by the studies are different, the results obtained also vary.
Cautions for Applying Results to Real Life
When applying these research findings to real life, it is important to make appropriate judgments based on individual circumstances.
Limitations of Current Research
Research on spinal cord injuries is still in its early stages, and there are many aspects that are not yet understood.
Future Research Directions Needed
Further research is needed to develop methods for preventing and treating spinal cord injuries. In particular, it is important to clarify the mechanisms and pathology of spinal cord injuries, develop effective treatments, and develop new treatments.
Spinal cord injuries are a serious medical problem that can significantly impact lives. However, this research has deepened our understanding of the causes and treatments for spinal cord injuries, and provided useful information for prevention and treatment.
Reader's message and call to action
To prevent spinal cord injuries, be cautious of your surroundings, engage in safe behavior, and undergo regular health checkups. If you have back pain, consult a doctor.
Benefit Keywords
Risk Keywords
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