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Original Abstract of the Article

Major Research Findings

Molindone is an antipsychotic medication used to treat mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Several studies have shown the effectiveness and safety of molindone. However, it is known that the use of molindone is associated with some risks of side effects.

For example, 20 shows that the use of molindone can lead to agranulocytosis and liver dysfunction. 5 shows that the use of molindone may increase the risk of hospitalization in the elderly.

6 mentions the risk of weight gain and metabolic abnormalities due to the use of molindone. Furthermore, 2 shows that the use of molindone is associated with a higher risk of weight gain in children and adolescents with schizophrenia.

On the other hand, 17 suggests that the use of molindone may be less likely to cause tardive dyskinesia than traditional antipsychotics.

Reasons for Side Effects

The side effects of molindone are mainly due to its effects on dopamine receptors. Molindone blocks dopamine receptors, which improves the symptoms of schizophrenia. However, dopamine receptors are involved in various functions such as motor control and hormone secretion, so blocking dopamine receptors can affect these functions.

Common Side Effects

Weight Gain

6 reports weight gain associated with the use of molindone. Molindone is considered to have a lower risk of weight gain compared to other antipsychotics, but it is still possible to experience weight gain. The mechanisms by which molindone causes weight gain are thought to include increased appetite and metabolic abnormalities.

Tardive Dyskinesia

Tardive dyskinesia is a movement disorder that can occur with long-term use of antipsychotics. Molindone is thought to have a lower risk of tardive dyskinesia compared to other antipsychotics. However, 20 suggests that the use of molindone may cause tardive dyskinesia.


20 shows that the use of molindone can lead to agranulocytosis. Agranulocytosis is a condition in which the number of white blood cells decreases. White blood cells play an important role in protecting the body from infection. Therefore, if agranulocytosis occurs, the risk of infection increases. The mechanism by which molindone causes agranulocytosis is not yet fully understood.

Liver Dysfunction

20 shows that the use of molindone can lead to liver dysfunction. Liver dysfunction is a condition in which the liver's function deteriorates. The liver is an important organ involved in various metabolisms and detoxification. Therefore, if liver dysfunction occurs, various symptoms may appear. The mechanism by which molindone causes liver dysfunction is not yet fully understood.

Other Side Effects

In addition to the above, the following side effects may occur with the use of molindone:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Visual disturbances
  • Lactation
  • Sexual dysfunction

These side effects do not occur in all individuals. Also, the severity of side effects varies from person to person.

Countermeasures for Side Effects

Weight Gain

If weight gain occurs with the use of molindone, measures such as diet therapy and exercise therapy are considered. 6 reports that drugs such as amantadine, orlistat, metformin, nizatidine, and topiramate are being studied as countermeasures for weight gain induced by antipsychotics.

Tardive Dyskinesia

Tardive dyskinesia is a movement disorder that can occur with long-term use of antipsychotics. Prevention of tardive dyskinesia requires appropriate use of antipsychotics. If symptoms of tardive dyskinesia appear, measures such as reducing or discontinuing antipsychotics are considered.


If agranulocytosis occurs with the use of molindone, regular monitoring of the condition through blood tests, etc. is necessary. If agranulocytosis progresses, treatment with antibiotics, etc. may be necessary.

Liver Dysfunction

If liver dysfunction occurs with the use of molindone, regular monitoring of the condition through blood tests, etc. is necessary. If liver dysfunction progresses, treatment such as liver transplantation may be necessary.

Comparison between Studies

Common Points of Studies

Multiple studies have shown that the use of molindone can lead to side effects such as weight gain, tardive dyskinesia, agranulocytosis, and liver dysfunction.

Differences in Studies

The incidence and severity of molindone side effects vary from study to study. This is thought to be due to differences in the age, sex, health status, and dosage of molindone among the study subjects.

Precautions for Real-Life Applications

It is important to understand that the use of molindone is associated with some risks of side effects. When considering the use of molindone, it is important to consult with a physician and carefully consider the risks and benefits of side effects. In addition, during the use of molindone, it is necessary to undergo regular blood tests, etc. to detect side effects at an early stage.

Limitations of Current Research

There is not enough research yet on the side effects of molindone. In particular, research on long-term side effects is insufficient. Furthermore, the factors that affect the incidence and severity of molindone side effects are not yet fully understood.

Future Research Directions

Further research on the side effects of molindone is needed. In particular, research on long-term side effects and factors that affect the incidence and severity of side effects is important. Furthermore, the development of therapeutic methods to reduce the side effects of molindone is also needed.


Molindone is an effective medication for treating mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. However, it is important to understand that the use of molindone is associated with risks of side effects such as weight gain, tardive dyskinesia, agranulocytosis, and liver dysfunction. When considering the use of molindone, it is important to consult with a physician and carefully consider the risks and benefits of side effects. In addition, during the use of molindone, it is necessary to undergo regular blood tests, etc. to detect side effects at an early stage.

Literature analysis of 26 papers
Positive Content
Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

Language : English

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Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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Language : English

Language : English

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