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Original Abstract of the Article

Major Research Findings

Several studies have shown that antidepressants are more effective than placebo in treating major depressive disorder. 25 , 10 , 46 , 49 , 62 , 63 , 68 , 41 , 2 , 8 , 38 , 11 , 66 , 47 , 22 , 52 , 51 , 69 , 75 , 71 , 43 , 74 , 6 , 73 , 60 , 65 These studies suggest that antidepressants can help improve mood, reduce depressive symptoms, and facilitate a return to social life. However, it is important to note that antidepressants also carry the risk of side effects. 39 , 4 , 15 , 5 , 37 , 44 , 59 , 31 , 48 , 82 , 38 , 66 , 74 , 6 , 73 , 60 , 65 These findings suggest that antidepressants can be an effective treatment option, but it is important to consider the risk of side effects.

Treatment Summary

The choice of antidepressant treatment should be tailored to the patient's individual condition and symptoms. 25 , 39 , 10 , 46 , 18 , 16 , 26 , 57 , 4 , 49 , 48 , 5 , 15 , 37 , 44 , 59 , 31 , 68 , 41 , 2 , 8 , 38 , 11 , 66 , 47 , 62 , 63 , 22 , 52 , 51 , 69 , 75 , 71 , 43 , 74 , 6 , 73 , 60 , 65 The combination of antidepressants with psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, can also be beneficial. 39 , 15 , 44 , 60 For treatment-resistant depression, other types of antidepressants such as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) may be considered. 62 , 68 , 75 , 71 , 43 In addition, the use of medications like lithium or quetiapine may be considered. 37 , 59 , 62 , 66 , 65

Benefits and Risks

Benefits Summary

Antidepressants can help improve mood, reduce depressive symptoms, and facilitate a return to social life. 25 , 10 , 46 , 49 , 62 , 63 , 68 , 41 , 2 , 8 , 38 , 11 , 66 , 47 , 22 , 52 , 51 , 69 , 75 , 71 , 43 , 74 , 6 , 73 , 60 , 65

Risks Summary

Antidepressants carry the risk of side effects. These side effects can include nausea, indigestion, drowsiness, and decreased libido. 39 , 4 , 15 , 5 , 37 , 44 , 59 , 31 , 48 , 82 , 38 , 66 , 74 , 6 , 73 , 60 , 65 While taking antidepressants, it is important to avoid alcohol and other drugs. Antidepressants should be avoided in pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Comparison Across Studies

Similarities Across Studies

Many studies have shown that antidepressants are more effective than placebo in treating depression. These studies also suggest that antidepressants can help improve mood, reduce depressive symptoms, and facilitate a return to social life.

Differences Across Studies

The effectiveness and side effects of antidepressants can vary depending on the type of medication, patient's condition, and other medications being taken. Additionally, the time it takes for antidepressants to become effective varies between studies. Some studies indicate that the effects of antidepressants can be seen within a few weeks, while others suggest it may take several months.

Consistency and Contradictions in Results

There is some consistency in research findings about the effectiveness and side effects of antidepressants. However, there are also contradictory results. For example, some studies have shown that certain antidepressants are more effective than others, while other studies do not show such a difference. These contradictory results can be explained by differences in research design, participant characteristics, and other factors.

Considerations for Real-World Application

It is important to use antidepressants under the care and guidance of a healthcare professional. It is dangerous to self-medicate with antidepressants or to alter dosage without a doctor's supervision. When considering using antidepressants, always consult with a doctor and follow their instructions.

Limitations of Current Research

Research on antidepressants is still incomplete, especially regarding the long-term effects and side effects of antidepressants. More research is also needed to understand why antidepressants have varying effects on different individuals.

Future Research Directions

Future research should focus on understanding the long-term effects and side effects of antidepressants, as well as the reasons for variations in antidepressant effectiveness among individuals. Research on more effective ways to use antidepressants and to reduce side effects is also needed.


Antidepressants are one of the effective treatments for depression, but it's important to remember that they can also have side effects. If you are considering using antidepressants, consult with your doctor and follow their instructions. Further research is expected to provide a deeper understanding of the safety and efficacy of antidepressants.

Treatment List

Antidepressants, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs), Lithium, Quetiapine, Psychotherapy

Benefit Keywords
Risk Keywords
Literature analysis of 84 papers
Positive Content
Neutral Content
Negative Content
Article Type

Language : English

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Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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Language : French

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Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : Dutch

Language : English

Author: CiprianiAndrea, FurukawaToshi A, SalantiGeorgia, ChaimaniAnna, AtkinsonLauren Z, OgawaYusuke, LeuchtStefan, RuheHenricus G, TurnerErick H, HigginsJulian P T, EggerMatthias, TakeshimaNozomi, HayasakaYu, ImaiHissei, ShinoharaKiyomi, TajikaAran, IoannidisJohn P A, GeddesJohn R

Language : English

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Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Author: OslinDavid W, LynchKevin G, ShihMei-Chiung, IngramErin P, WrayLaura O, ChapmanSara R, KranzlerHenry R, GelernterJoel, PyneJeffrey M, StoneAnnjanette, DuVallScott L, LehmannLisa Soleymani, ThaseMichael E, , AslamMuhammad, BatkiSteven L, BjorkJames M, BlowFrederic C, BrennerLisa A, ChenPeijun, DesaiShivan, DieperinkEric W, FearsScott C, FullerMatthew A, GoodmanCourtney S, GrahamDavid P, HaasGretchen L, HamnerMark B, HelstromAmy W, HurleyRobin A, IcardiMichael S, JurjusGeorge J, KilbourneAmy M, KreyenbuhlJulie, LacheDaniel J, LieskeSteven P, LynchJulie A, MeyerLaurence J, MontalvoCristina, MuralidharSumitra, OstacherMichael J, PaschallGayla Y, PfeifferPaul N, PrietoSusana, PrzygodzkiRonald M, RanganathanMohini, Rodriguez-SuarezMercedes M, RoggenkampHannah, SchichmanSteven A, SchneeweisJohn S, SimonettiJoseph A, SteinhauerStuart R, SuppesTrisha, UmbertMaria A, VassyJason L, VooraDeepak, WiechersIlse R, WoodAmanda E

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

Language : English

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