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肺がんの治療法は、がんの種類、病期、患者の状態によって異なります。手術、放射線療法、化学療法など、さまざまな治療法が用いられています。これらの治療法は単独で、または組み合わせて用いられます。 10 では、小細胞肺がんの治療には、手術と放射線を組み合わせた治療が有効であることが示されています。また、 116 では、非小細胞肺がんの治療には、免疫チェックポイント阻害薬が有効であることが示されています。さらに、 58 では、伝統的な中国薬であるFeitai Capsuleが、進行期非小細胞肺がん患者の生活の質を改善することが示されています。これらの研究では、肺がんの治療法は進化しており、患者にとってより良い治療法が開発されていることが示されています。
10 では、小細胞肺がんの治療には、手術と放射線を組み合わせた治療が有効であることが示されています。この治療法は、腫瘍の大きさや位置によって、手術を先に行うか、放射線を先に行うかが決まります。その後、化学療法が実施されます。
116 では、非小細胞肺がんの治療には、免疫チェックポイント阻害薬が有効であることが示されています。この治療法は、単独で、または化学療法と組み合わせて用いられます。免疫チェックポイント阻害薬は、がん細胞を攻撃する免疫細胞を活性化させることで、がんの増殖を抑制します。
- 手術
- 放射線療法
- 化学療法
- 免疫チェックポイント阻害薬
- 伝統的な中国薬
著者: PautierP
原題: [Advances in lung cancer].
原文 : フランス語
著者: BitranJ D, VokesE E
原題: Chemotherapy for stage IV non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: AwanA M, WeichselbaumR R
原題: Palliative radiotherapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: KaasaS, LundE, ThorudE, HatlevollR, HøstH
原題: Symptomatic treatment versus combination chemotherapy for patients with extensive non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: LadT E
原題: Postsurgical adjuvant therapy in stages I, II, and IIIA non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: KarrerK, DenckH, Karnicka-MlodkowskaH, DringsP, SalzerG M, HrabarB, LiaoM L, SunY, ThermannM, ChenD
原題: The importance of surgery as the first step in multimodality treatment of small cell bronchial carcinoma. The ISC Lung Cancer Study Group.
原文 : 英語
著者: BrodinO, RiknerG, SteinholtzL, NouE
原題: Local failure in patients treated with radiotherapy and multidrug chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SplinterT A
原題: Chemotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SeagrenS L
原題: Radical radiation therapy for lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: BoĭkoA V, TrakhtenbergA Kh, KiselevaE S, FrankG A, ZvekotkinaL S
原題: [The therapeutic procedure at the 1st stage of the combined therapy of patients with small-cell ling cancer].
原文 : ロシア語
著者: NicolucciA, GrilliR, AlexanianA A, ApoloneG, TorriV, LiberatiA
原題: Quality, evolution, and clinical implications of randomized, controlled trials on the treatment of lung cancer. A lost opportunity for meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: BlumenreichM S, WoodcockT M, GentileP S, BarnesG R, JoseB, SherrillE J, RichmanS P, EpremianB E, KubotaT T, AllegraJ C
原題: High-dose cisplatin and vinblastine infusion with or without radiation therapy in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: HolmesE C
原題: Surgical adjuvant chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: KarrerK, DenckH, Karnicka-MlodkowskaH, DringsP, ErzenJ, Dell'AmoreD, ThermannM, SalzerG M, SunY, LiaoM L
原題: Surgery for cure followed by combined modality treatment for small cell bronchial carcinoma. ISC Lung Cancer Study Group.
原文 : 英語
著者: StephensR J, GirlingD J, MachinD
原題: Treatment-related deaths in small cell lung cancer trials: can patients at risk be identified? Medical Research Council Lung Cancer Working Party.
原文 : 英語
著者: BunnP A
原題: The treatment of non-small cell lung cancer: current perspectives and controversies, future directions.
原文 : 英語
著者: RothJ A, FossellaF, KomakiR, RyanM B, PutnamJ B, LeeJ S, DhingraH, De CaroL, ChasenM, McGavranM
原題: A randomized trial comparing perioperative chemotherapy and surgery with surgery alone in resectable stage IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: CoyP, HodsonD I, MurrayN, PaterJ L, PayneD G, ArnoldA, KostashukE, DixonP, EvansW K, ZeeB
原題: Patterns of failure following loco-regional radiotherapy in the treatment of limited stage small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: CarteiG, CarteiF, CantoneA, CausaranoD, GencoG, TobaldinA, InterlandiG, GiraldiT
原題: Cisplatin-cyclophosphamide-mitomycin combination chemotherapy with supportive care versus supportive care alone for treatment of metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: DautzenbergB, ChastangC, ArriagadaR, Le ChevalierT, BelpommeD, HurdebourcqM, LebeauB, FabreC, CharvolinP, GuérinR A
原題: Adjuvant radiotherapy versus combined sequential chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy in the treatment of resected nonsmall cell lung carcinoma. A randomized trial of 267 patients. GETCB (Groupe d'Etude et de Traitement des Cancers Bronchiques).
原文 : 英語
著者: McVieJ G
原題: Non-small cell lung cancer: meta-analysis of efficacy of chemotherapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: PritchardR S, AnthonyS P
原題: Chemotherapy plus radiotherapy compared with radiotherapy alone in the treatment of locally advanced, unresectable, non-small-cell lung cancer. A meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: FrödinJ E
原題: Lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: Le CesneA, ArriagadaR, GrunenwaldD, BaldeyrouP, GirardP, BretelJ J, Le ChevalierT
原題: [New therapeutic strategies and current research in inoperable locally advanced non small-cell lung cancers (stage IIIB)].
原文 : フランス語
著者: WolfM
原題: [Prognostic factors and therapeutic strategy in non-small-cell bronchial carcinoma].
原文 : ドイツ語
著者: MontazeriA, GillisC R, McEwenJ
原題: Quality of life in patients with lung cancer: a review of literature from 1970 to 1995.
原文 : 英語
著者: VokesE E, GreenM R
原題: Clinical studies in non-small cell lung cancer: the CALGB experience.
原文 : 英語
著者: ParkJ H, ShimY M, BaekH J, KimM S, ChoeD H, ChoK J, LeeC T, ZoJ I
原題: Postoperative adjuvant therapy for stage II non-small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: NestleU, NiederC, WalterK, AbelU, UkenaD, SybrechtG W, SchnabelK
原題: A palliative accelerated irradiation regimen for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer vs. conventionally fractionated 60 GY: results of a randomized equivalence study.
原文 : 英語
著者: GatzemeierU, von PawelJ, GottfriedM, ten VeldeG P, MattsonK, de MarinisF, HarperP, SalvatiF, RobinetG, LucentiA, BogaertsJ, GallantG
原題: Phase III comparative study of high-dose cisplatin versus a combination of paclitaxel and cisplatin in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: RowellN P, WilliamsC J
原題: Radical radiotherapy for stage I/II non-small cell lung cancer in patients not sufficiently fit for or declining surgery (medically inoperable).
原文 : 英語
著者: RowellN P, WilliamsC J
原題: Radical radiotherapy for stage I/II non-small cell lung cancer in patients not sufficiently fit for or declining surgery (medically inoperable).
原文 : 英語
著者: SörensonS, GlimeliusB, NygrenP,
原題: A systematic overview of chemotherapy effects in non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: EberhardtW, BildatS, KorfeeS, StamatisG
原題: Preoperative treatment strategies in stage III non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: CleggA, ScottD A, HewitsonP, SidhuM, WaughN
原題: Clinical and cost effectiveness of paclitaxel, docetaxel, gemcitabine, and vinorelbine in non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: SculierJ P, BerghmansT, PaesmansM, BranleF, LemaitreF, MascauxC, MeertA P, SteelsE, VallotF, LafitteJ J
原題: [The role of chemotherapy in the treatment of non-metastatic, non-small cell bronchial cancers].
原文 : フランス語
著者: ScagliottiGiorgio V, FossatiRoldano, TorriValter, CrinòLucio, GiacconeGiuseppe, SilvanoGiovanni, MartelliMassimo, ClericiMaurizia, CognettiFrancesco, TonatoMaurizio,
原題: Randomized study of adjuvant chemotherapy for completely resected stage I, II, or IIIA non-small-cell Lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: AgraY, PelayoM, SacristanM, SacristánA, SerraC, BonfillX
原題: Chemotherapy versus best supportive care for extensive small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SirzénFlorin, KjellénElisabeth, SörensonSverre, Cavallin-StåhlEva
原題: A systematic overview of radiation therapy effects in non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SolàI, ThompsonE, SubiranaM, LópezC, PascualA
原題: Non-invasive interventions for improving well-being and quality of life in patients with lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: Le PéchouxC, DhermainF, BretelJ-J, LaplancheA, DunantA, TarayreM, RuffiéP, Le ChevalierT
原題: [Modalities of radiotherapy in small cell lung cancer: thoracic radiotherapy and prophylactic cerebral irradiation].
原文 : フランス語
著者: KovacV, SmrdelU
原題: Meta-analyses of clinical trials in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Minireview.
原文 : 英語
著者: ManserR, WrightG, HartD, ByrnesG, CampbellD A
原題: Surgery for early stage non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: WilhelmLindsey, KolesarJill M
原題: Role of adjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SocinskiMark A, BaggstromMaria Q, HensingThomas A
原題: Duration of therapy in advanced, metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: BarlésiFabrice, JacotWilliam, AstoulPhilippe, PujolJean-Louis
原題: Second-line treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: LuYan, LemonWilliam, LiuPeng-Yuan, YiYijun, MorrisonCarl, YangPing, SunZhifu, SzokeJanos, GeraldWilliam L, WatsonMark, GovindanRamaswamy, YouMing
原題: A gene expression signature predicts survival of patients with stage I non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: GervaisR, Le GuenY, Le CaerH, PaillotinD, ChouaidC,
原題: [Randomised phase II study evaluating oral combination chemotherapy (CCNU, cyclophosphamide, etoposide) and intravenous chemotherapy as second-line treatment for relapsed small cell bronchial carcinoma (Trial GFPC0501)].
原文 : フランス語
著者: SeidenfeldJerome, SamsonDavid J, BonnellClaudia J, ZieglerKathleen M, AronsonNaomi
原題: Management of small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SamsonDavid J, SeidenfeldJerome, SimonGeorge R, TurrisiAndrew T, BonnellClaudia, ZieglerKathleen M, AronsonNaomi,
原題: Evidence for management of small cell lung cancer: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition).
原文 : 英語
著者: TomićIlija, PetrovićMarina, PlavecGoran, IlićSrbislav
原題: [Influence of chemiotherapeutic protocol and neuroendocrine differentiation on metastatic non-small cell lung cancer treatment results].
原文 : セルビア語
著者: DasguptaAnirban, DasguptaChandan, BasuSiddhartha, MajumdarAnup
原題: A prospective and randomized study of radiotherapy, sequential chemotherapy radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy-radiotherapy in unresectable non small cell carcinoma of the lung.
原文 : 英語
著者: GridelliCesare, ArdizzoniAndrea, CiardielloFortunato, HannaNasser, HeymachJohn V, PerroneFrancesco, RosellRafael, ShepherdFrances A, ThatcherNick, VansteenkisteJohan, De PetrisLuigi, Di MaioMassimo, De MarinisFilippo
原題: Second-line treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: CardonaA F, ReveizL, OspinaE G, OspinaV, YepesA
原題: Palliative endobronchial brachytherapy for non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: DetterbeckFrank C, GibsonChristopher J
原題: Turning gray: the natural history of lung cancer over time.
原文 : 英語
著者: TakitaHiroshi, ShinKyu H, SohAndrew Y, YiWon S, WildingGreg
原題: Induction therapy of loco-regional non-small-cell lung cancer with reliable response and low toxicity (low dose radiotherapy sensitizes tumor to subsequent chemotherapy?).
原文 : 英語
著者: NovelloSilvia, FalconeAlfredo, CrinòLucio, RinaldiMassimo, NardiMario, De MarinisFilippo, TonatoMaurizio, TibaldiCarmelo, TinazziAngelo, RussoFrancesca, GrassivaroNicoletta, ScagliottiGiorgio Vittorio
原題: Randomised multicenter phase II study of two schedules of docetaxel and gemcitabine or cisplatin/gemcitabine followed by docetaxel as first line treatment for advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: LiuZhi-zhen, YuZong-yang, OuyangXue-nong, DaiXi-hu, ChenXi, ZhaoZhong-quan, WangWen-wu, LiJie, TuHua, YeLei, YanYan
原題: [Effects of Feitai Capsule on quality of life in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: a randomized controlled trial].
原文 : 中国語
著者: Pelayo AlvarezMarta, Gallego RubioOscar, Bonfill CospXavier, Agra VarelaYolanda
原題: Chemotherapy versus best supportive care for extensive small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: GoffinJohn, LacchettiChristina, EllisPeter M, UngYee C, EvansWilliam K,
原題: First-line systemic chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: von PlessenChristian
原題: Improving chemotherapy for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhangXinji, ZangJiajie, XuJinfang, BaiChong, QinYingyi, LiuKe, WuCheng, WuMeijing, HeQian, ZhangShanshan, WeiLixin, HeJia
原題: Maintenance therapy with continuous or switch strategy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: GadgeelShirish M
原題: The optimal chemotherapy for stage III non-small cell lung cancer patients.
原文 : 英語
著者: EllisPeter M, BlaisNormand, SoulieresDennis, IonescuDiana N, KashyapMeenakshi, LiuGeoff, MeloskyBarb, ReimanTony, RomeoPhillippe, ShepherdFrances A, TsaoMing-Sound, LeighlNatasha B
原題: A systematic review and Canadian consensus recommendations on the use of biomarkers in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: RuedaJosé-Ramón, SolàIvan, PascualAntonio, Subirana CasacubertaMireia
原題: Non-invasive interventions for improving well-being and quality of life in patients with lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: CustodioAna, de CastroJavier
原題: Strategies for maintenance therapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer: current status, unanswered questions and future directions.
原文 : 英語
著者: TassinariDavide, ScarpiEmanuela, SartoriSergio, DrudiFabrizio, CastellaniCinzia, CarloniFederica, TombesiPaola, Lazzari-AgliLuigi
原題: Noninferiority trials in second-line treatments of nonsmall cell lung cancer: a systematic review of literature with meta-analysis of phase III randomized clinical trials.
原文 : 英語
著者: KohPek Keng, Faivre-FinnCorinne, BlackhallFiona H, De RuysscherDirk
原題: Targeted agents in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): clinical developments and rationale for the combination with thoracic radiotherapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: StinchcombeThomas E, BogartJeffrey A
原題: Novel approaches of chemoradiotherapy in unresectable stage IIIA and stage IIIB non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ReveizLudovic, RuedaJosé-Ramón, CardonaAndrés Felipe
原題: Palliative endobronchial brachytherapy for non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: BrownT, PilkingtonG, BolandA, OyeeJ, Tudur SmithC, DundarY, RichardsE, YangR, DicksonR
原題: Clinical effectiveness of first-line chemoradiation for adult patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhangLi, WangYinzhong, LeiJunqiang, TianJinhui, ZhaiYanan
原題: Dual time point 18FDG-PET/CT versus single time point 18FDG-PET/CT for the differential diagnosis of pulmonary nodules: a meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: DetterbeckFrank C, MazzonePeter J, NaidichDavid P, BachPeter B
原題: Screening for lung cancer: Diagnosis and management of lung cancer, 3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
原文 : 英語
著者: HumphreyLinda L, DeffebachMark, PappasMiranda, BaumannChristina, ArtisKathryn, MitchellJennifer Priest, ZakherBernadette, FuRongwei, SlatoreChristopher G
原題: Screening for lung cancer with low-dose computed tomography: a systematic review to update the US Preventive services task force recommendation.
原文 : 英語
著者: HeYan-Qi, GongHan-Lin, DengYi-Fu, LiWei-Min
原題: Diagnostic efficacy of PET and PET/CT for recurrent lung cancer: a meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: Pelayo AlvarezMarta, WesteelVirginie, Cortés-JofréMarcela, Bonfill CospXavier
原題: Chemotherapy versus best supportive care for extensive small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: Pérez-MorenoMaria Antonia, Galván-BanqueriMercedes, Flores-MorenoSandra, Villalba-MorenoAngela, Cotrina-LuqueJesús, Bautista-PalomaFrancisco Javier
原題: Systematic review of efficacy and safety of pemetrexed in non-small-cell-lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SlotmanBen J, van TinterenHarm, PraagJohn O, KnegjensJoost L, El SharouniSherif Y, HattonMatthew, KeijserAstrid, Faivre-FinnCorinne, SenanSuresh
原題: Use of thoracic radiotherapy for extensive stage small-cell lung cancer: a phase 3 randomised controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: GenestretiGiovenzio, GrossiFrancesco, GenovaCarlo, BurgioMarco A, BongiovanniAlberto, GavelliGiampaolo, BartolottiMarco, Di BattistaMonica, CavalloGiovanna, BrandesAlba A
原題: Third- and further-line therapy in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients: an overview.
原文 : 英語
著者: LangeAnsgar, PrenzlerAnne, FrankMartin, GolponHeiko, WelteTobias, von der SchulenburgJ-Matthias
原題: A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of targeted therapies for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
原文 : 英語
著者: GalettaDomenico, CinieriSaverio, PiscontiSalvatore, GebbiaVittorio, MorabitoAlessandro, BorsellinoNicola, MaielloEvaristo, FebbraroAntonio, CatinoAnnamaria, RizzoPietro, MontroneMichele, MisinoAndrea, LogroscinoAntonio, RizziDaniele, Di MaioMassimo, ColucciGiuseppe
原題: Cisplatin/Pemetrexed Followed by Maintenance Pemetrexed Versus Carboplatin/Paclitaxel/Bevacizumab Followed by Maintenance Bevacizumab in Advanced Nonsquamous Lung Cancer: The GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico Italia Meridionale) ERACLE Phase III Randomized Trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: GreenhalghJanette, BagustAdrian, BolandAngela, DwanKerry, BealeSophie, HockenhullJuliet, ProudloveChristine, DundarYenal, RichardsonMarty, DicksonRumona, MullardAnna, MarshallErnie
原題: Erlotinib and gefitinib for treating non-small cell lung cancer that has progressed following prior chemotherapy (review of NICE technology appraisals 162 and 175): a systematic review and economic evaluation.
原文 : 英語
著者: EvansTracey L, ChoByoung Chul, UdudKatalin, FischerJuergen R, ShepherdFrances A, MartinezPablo, RamlauRodryg, SyrigosKonstantinos N, ShenLiji, ChadjaaMustapha, WolfMartin
原題: Cabazitaxel Versus Topotecan in Patients with Small-Cell Lung Cancer with Progressive Disease During or After First-Line Platinum-Based Chemotherapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: KulkarniSwati, VellaEmily T, CoakleyNadia, ChengSusanna, GreggRichard, UngYee C, EllisPeter M
原題: The Use of Systemic Treatment in the Maintenance of Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: De RuysscherD, LuezaB, Le PéchouxC, JohnsonD H, O'BrienM, MurrayN, SpiroS, WangX, TakadaM, LebeauB, BlackstockW, SkarlosD, BaasP, ChoyH, PriceA, SeymourL, ArriagadaR, PignonJ-P,
原題: Impact of thoracic radiotherapy timing in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer: usefulness of the individual patient data meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KuribayashiKozo, FunaguchiNorihiko, NakanoTakashi
原題: Chemotherapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer with a focus on squamous cell carcinoma.
原文 : 英語
著者: BarnesHayley, SeeKatharine, BarnettStephen, ManserRenée
原題: Surgery for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: Schmidt-HansenMia, BerendseSabine, HamiltonWillie, BaldwinDavid R
原題: Lung cancer in symptomatic patients presenting in primary care: a systematic review of risk prediction tools.
原文 : 英語
著者: ChenHanbo, SenanSuresh, NossentEsther J, BoldtR Gabriel, WarnerAndrew, PalmaDavid A, LouieAlexander V
原題: Treatment-Related Toxicity in Patients With Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Coexisting Interstitial Lung Disease: A Systematic Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: KäsmannLukas, NiyaziMaximilian, BlanckOliver, BauesChristian, BaumannRené, DobiaschSophie, EzeChukwuka, FleischmannDaniel, GauerTobias, GiordanoFrank A, GoyYvonne, HausmannJan, HenkenberensChristoph, KaulDavid, KlookLisa, KrugDavid, MäurerMatthias, PanjeCédric M, RosenbrockJohannes, SautterLisa, SchmittDaniela, SüßChristoph, ThiemeAlexander H, Trommer-NestlerMaike, ZieglerSonia, EbertNadja, MedenwaldDaniel, OstheimerChristian,
原題: Predictive and prognostic value of tumor volume and its changes during radical radiotherapy of stage III non-small cell lung cancer : A systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: VestergaardHannah H, ChristensenMarcus R, LassenUlrik N
原題: A systematic review of targeted agents for non-small cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: BütofR, SimonM, LöckS, TroostE G C, AppoldS, KrauseM, BaumannM
原題: PORTAF - postoperative radiotherapy of non-small cell lung cancer: accelerated versus conventional fractionation - study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: WangXiaojing, LiuHongli, ShenYuanbing, LiWei, ChenYuqing, WangHongtao
原題: Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) versus other cancer screenings in early diagnosis of lung cancer: A meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: PanjeCedric M, DedesKonstantin J, Matter-WalstraKlazien, SchwenkglenksMatthias, GautschiOliver, SianoMarco, AebersoldDaniel M, PlasswilmLudwig, LupatschJudith E,
原題: A cost-effectiveness analysis of consolidative local therapy in oligometastatic non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
原文 : 英語
著者: AokiMateus N, AmaranteMarla K, de OliveiraCarlos E C, WatanabeMaria A E
原題: Biomarkers in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Perspectives of Individualized Targeted Therapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: FacchinettiFrancesco, PilottoSara, MetroGiulio, BaldiniEditta, BertolacciniLuca, CappuzzoFederico, DelmonteAngelo, GaspariniStefano, InnoAlessandro, MarchettiAntonio, PassigliaFrancesco, PumaFrancesco, RicardiUmberto, RossiAntonio, CrinòLucio, NovelloSilvia
原題: Treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer: 2018 guidelines of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM).
原文 : 英語
著者: LiHui, ShenYefeng, WuYuanzhou, CaiShaoru, ZhuYaru, ChenSiping, ChenXin, ChenQunqing
原題: Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Versus Surgery for Early-Stage Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhangHaihua, LiuChen, TanZhijun, ZhangTao
原題: Segmentectomy Versus Wedge Resection for Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: LiJina, DaviesMarianne, YeMan, LiYingxia, HuangLingzhi, LiLezhi
原題: Impact of an Animation Education Program on Promoting Compliance With Active Respiratory Rehabilitation in Postsurgical Lung Cancer Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: OkamotoIsamu, NokiharaHiroshi, NomuraShogo, NihoSeiji, SugawaraShunichi, HorinouchiHidehito, AzumaKoichi, YoneshimaYasuto, MurakamiHaruyasu, HosomiYukio, AtagiShinji, OzakiTomohiro, HoriikeAtsushi, FujitaYuka, OkamotoHiroaki, AndoMasahiko, YamamotoNobuyuki, OheYuichiro, NakagawaKazuhiko
原題: Comparison of Carboplatin Plus Pemetrexed Followed by Maintenance Pemetrexed With Docetaxel Monotherapy in Elderly Patients With Advanced Nonsquamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: BerghmansThierry, DurieuxValérie, HendriksLizza E L, DingemansAnne-Marie
原題: Immunotherapy: From Advanced NSCLC to Early Stages, an Evolving Concept.
原文 : 英語
著者: StirlingRob G, ChauCerys, SharehAli, ZalcbergJohn, FischerBarbara M
原題: Effect of Follow-Up Surveillance After Curative-Intent Treatment of NSCLC on Detection of New and Recurrent Disease, Retreatment, and Survival: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KaraAltan, ÖzgürAykut, TekinŞaban, TutarYusuf
原題: Computational Analysis of Drug Resistance Network in Lung Adenocarcinoma.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhaoZiran, GaoYibo, XueQi, GaoShugeng, HeJie
原題: Safety and Efficacy of Neoadjuvant Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy in Patients with Resectable Non-small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: MaRui-Chen, ZhaoYong, LiuXin, CaoHui-Ping, WangYa-Qing, YinYing-Ying, XieJiao
原題: Multimodal Exercise Program: A Pilot Randomized Trial for Patients With Lung Cancer Receiving Surgical Treatment.
原文 : 英語
著者: TenconiSara, MaininiCarlotta, RapicettaCristian, BragliaLuca, GaleoneCarla, CavutoSilvio, MerloDomenico F, CostiStefania, PaciMassimiliano, PiroRoberto, FugazzaroStefania
原題: Rehabilitation for lung cancer patients undergoing surgery: results of the PUREAIR randomized trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhuJianwei, YuanYun, WanXiaoyu, YinDan, LiRui, ChenWenwen, SuoChen, SongHuan
原題: Immunotherapy (excluding checkpoint inhibitors) for stage I to III non-small cell lung cancer treated with surgery or radiotherapy with curative intent.
原文 : 英語
著者: CainiSaverio, Del RiccioMarco, VettoriVirginia, ScottiVieri, MartinoliChiara, RaimondiSara, CammarataGiulio, PalliDomenico, BaniniMarco, MasalaGiovanna, GandiniSara
原題: Quitting Smoking At or Around Diagnosis Improves the Overall Survival of Lung Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ParkSehhoon, NohJae Myoung, ChoiYoon-La, ChiSang Ah, KimKyunga, JungHyun Ae, LeeSe-Hoon, AhnJin Seok, AhnMyung-Ju, SunJong-Mu
原題: Durvalumab with chemoradiotherapy for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ChangChuan-Hsin, ChangYue-Cune
原題: Comparing the Therapeutic Efficacies of Lung Cancer: Network Meta-Analysis Approaches.
原文 : 英語
著者: MutluHasan, BozcukHakan, ArtaçMehmet, Eserİrfan
原題: First-line immune-checkpoint inhibitor treatment in extensive-disease small-cell lung cancer: A classical and network meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ReckMartin, DettmerSabine, KauczorHans-Ulrich, KaaksRudolf, ReinmuthNiels, Vogel-ClaussenJens
原題: Lung Cancer Screening With Low-Dose Computed Tomography.
原文 : 英語
著者: ProvencioMariano, NadalErnest, González-LarribaJosé L, Martínez-MartíAlex, BernabéReyes, Bosch-BarreraJoaquim, Casal-RubioJoaquín, CalvoVirginia, InsaAmelia, PonceSantiago, ReguartNoemí, de CastroJavier, MosqueraJoaquín, CoboManuel, AguilarAndrés, López VivancoGuillermo, CampsCarlos, López-CastroRafael, MoránTeresa, BarnetoIsidoro, Rodríguez-AbreuDelvys, Serna-BlascoRoberto, BenítezRaquel, Aguado de la RosaCarlos, PalmeroRamón, Hernando-TranchoFlorentino, Martín-LópezJavier, Cruz-BermúdezAlberto, MassutiBartomeu, RomeroAtocha
原題: Perioperative Nivolumab and Chemotherapy in Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: GijtenbeekRolof Gp, de JongKim, VenmansBen Jw, van VollenhovenFemke Hm, Ten BrinkeAnneke, Van der WekkenAnthonie J, van GeffenWouter H
原題: Best first-line therapy for people with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, performance status 2 without a targetable mutation or with an unknown mutation status.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhaoShen, ChenKehui, ShiXinyi, SunJing, FangWenfeng, HuangYan, ZhangLi
原題: Design and Rationale for a Phase II/III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Sugemalimab as Consolidation Therapy in Patients With Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer Who Have Not Progressed Following Concurrent or Sequential Chemoradiotherapy: The SURPASS Study.
原文 : 英語
著者: NuccioAntonio, ViscardiGiuseppe, SalomoneFabio, ServettoAlberto, VenanziFrancesco Maria, RivaSilvia Teresa, OrestiSara, OgliariFrancesca Rita, ViganòMariagrazia, BulottaAlessandra, CameronRobert, EspositoAlessandra, HinesJacobi, BiancoRoberto, ReniMichele, CasconeTina, GarassinoMarina Chiara, TorriValter, VeronesiGiulia, CinquiniMichela, FerraraRoberto
原題: Systematic review and meta-analysis of immune checkpoint inhibitors as single agent or in combination with chemotherapy in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: Impact of clinicopathological factors and indirect comparison between treatment strategies.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhaoGuanhua, FengEnzhi, LiuYalu
原題: Efficacy and safety of veliparib combined with traditional chemotherapy for treating patients with lung cancer: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
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