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結核の治療には、イソニアジドやリファンピンなどの抗結核薬が使用されます。イソニアジドは、結核菌の増殖を抑える効果がありますが、副作用として肝障害などが報告されています。リファンピンは、イソニアジドよりも効果が高く、副作用も少ないことが報告されています。しかし、リファンピンは、肝臓への負担が大きいため、肝機能が低下している患者には使用できません。 88
結核の治療には、リファペンチンなどの新しい薬剤も使用されています。リファペンチンは、イソニアジドやリファンピンよりも副作用が少なく、効果も高いことが報告されています。 83
結核の予防には、BCGワクチンが有効です。BCGワクチンは、結核菌に感染しても発病するのを防ぐ効果があります。 44
結核の治療には、イソニアジド、リファンピン、リファペンチンなどの抗結核薬が使用されます。 83 88
結核の治療には、イソニアジド、リファンピン、リファペンチンなどの抗結核薬が使用されます。これらの薬剤は、結核菌の増殖を抑える効果があり、結核の発病を予防することができます。 83 88
結核の治療には、イソニアジド、リファンピン、リファペンチンなどの抗結核薬が使用されます。これらの薬剤は、肝障害などの副作用を引き起こす可能性があります。 83 88
多くの研究で、結核の治療には、イソニアジド、リファンピンなどの抗結核薬が使用されていることが示されています。 83 88 6
研究によって、治療に用いられる薬剤や治療期間が異なります。 83 88 6
結核の治療には、イソニアジド、リファンピンなどの抗結核薬が使用されます。これらの薬剤は、結核菌の増殖を抑える効果がありますが、副作用として肝障害などが報告されています。 88
結核の治療には、イソニアジド、リファンピン、リファペンチンなどの抗結核薬が使用されます。これらの薬剤は、肝障害などの副作用を引き起こす可能性があります。そのため、これらの薬剤を使用する際には、医師の指示に従い、副作用に注意する必要があります。 83 88
結核の治療に関する研究は、まだ十分ではありません。より多くの研究が必要とされています。 83 88 6
結核の治療には、より効果的で副作用の少ない薬剤の開発が求められています。また、治療期間の短縮や治療の簡素化も必要です。 83 88 6
結核の治療には、イソニアジド、リファンピン、リファペンチンなどの抗結核薬が使用されます。これらの薬剤は、結核菌の増殖を抑える効果があり、結核の発病を予防することができます。しかし、これらの薬剤は、肝障害などの副作用を引き起こす可能性があります。そのため、これらの薬剤を使用する際には、医師の指示に従い、副作用に注意する必要があります。 83 88
原題: Short-course chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. A controlled trial by the British Thoracic and Tuberculosis Association.
原文 : 英語
原題: Short-course chemotherapy in pulmonary tuberculosis. A controlled trial by the British Thoracic and Tuberculosis Association.
原文 : 英語
著者: LeesA W, AllanG W, SmithJ, TyrrellW F
原題: Ethambutol plus isoniazid compared with rifampicin plus isoniazid in antituberculosis continuation treatment.
原文 : 英語
原題: Sputum-smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis: controlled trial of 3-month and 2-month regimens of chemotherapy.
原文 : 英語
原題: Controlled trial of 6-month and 8-month regimens in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. First report.
原文 : 英語
著者: LongM W, SniderD E, FarerL S
原題: U.S. Public Health Service Cooperative trial of three rifampin-isoniazid regimens in treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
原題: [Intermittent chemotherapy from the beginning or only after a period of daily administration? Quantitative bacteriological study at the initial phase of chemotherapy with INH + RMP + EMB in daily or intermittent administration].
原文 : ルーマニア語
原題: A comparative study of daily and twice-weekly continuation regimens of tuberculosis chemotherapy, including a comparison of two durations of sanatorium treatment.
原文 : 英語
著者: PregowskiW, StanczukA, ZnanieckaH, Cesarz-FronczykM
原題: [Treatment of new and chronic tuberculous patients with ethambutol and Rifampicin (author's transl)].
原文 : ドイツ語
著者: MaricaC, MitreaM, RohanI, AnastasatuC
原題: [The efficacy of ethambutol compared to streptomycin in the initial quadruple phase of short-term regimens].
原文 : ルーマニア語
原題: Assessment of a daily combined preparation of isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide in a controlled trial of three 6-month regimens for smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis. Singapore Tuberculosis Service/British Medical Research Council.
原文 : 英語
著者: AgounitestaneD, ChihebM, KhaledS, Ait KhaledN, BoulahbalF, ChauletP
原題: [A therapeutic trial of a combination of 3 essential drugs in a short course of chemotherapy in tuberculosis. Results 6 months after the end of treatment].
原文 : フランス語
著者: BalasubramanianR, SivasubramanianS, VijayanV K, RamachandranR, JawaharM S, ParamasivanC N, SelvakumarN, SomasundaramP R
原題: Five year results of a 3-month and two 5-month regimens for the treatment of sputum-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in south India.
原文 : 英語
著者: SanthaT, NazarethO, KrishnamurthyM S, BalasubramanianR, VijayanV K, JanardhanamB, VenkataramanP, TripathyS P, PrabhakarR
原題: Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with short course chemotherapy in south India--5-year follow up.
原文 : 英語
著者: Babu SwaiO, AluochJ A, GithuiW A, Thiong'oR, EdwardsE A, DarbyshireJ H, NunnA J
原題: Controlled clinical trial of a regimen of two durations for the treatment of isoniazid resistant pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: HongY P, KimS C, ChangS C, KimS J, JinB W, ParkC D
原題: Comparison of a daily and three intermittent retreatment regimens for pulmonary tuberculosis administered under programme conditions.
原文 : 英語
著者: EuleH, BeckH, EversH, FischerP, KwiatkowskiH, MerkelS, ReechR, SielerR, ThomasE, WeineckeW
原題: [Daily ultrashort chemotherapy and intermittent short-term chemotherapy with 4 drugs of communicable pulmonary tuberculosis treated for the first time. Results of a cooperative multicenter study].
原文 : ドイツ語
著者: KarrerW, RöthlisbergerK, BezelR, HäckiM, RubinS, BrändliO
原題: [Which is the best drug combination for the short-term therapy of tuberculosis? A prospective randomized study with 190 patients].
原文 : ドイツ語
原題: A comparative study of daily and twice-weekly continuation regimens of tuberculosis chemotherapy, including a comparison of two durations of sanatorium treatment. 2. Second report: the results from 12 to 24 months.
原文 : 英語
原題: A comparative study of daily and twice-weekly continuation regimens of tuberculosis chemotherapy, including a comparison of two durations of sanatorium treatment. 1. First report: the results at 12 months.
原文 : 英語
著者: DawsonJ J, DevadattaS, FoxW, RadhakrishnaS, RamakrishnanC V, SomasundaramP R, StottH, TripathyS P, VeluS
原題: A 5-year study of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in a concurrent comparison of home and sanatorium treatment for one year with isoniazid plus PAS.
原文 : 英語
原題: Controlled trial of four thrice-weekly regimens and a daily regimen all given for 6 months for pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
原題: A controlled trial of 2-month, 3-month, and 12-month regimens of chemotherapy for sputum-smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis. Results at 60 months.
原文 : 英語
著者: FialaW, HäckiM A, BrändliO
原題: [Pyrazinamide versus ethambutol in short-term therapy of lung tuberculosis. A randomized study].
原文 : ドイツ語
原題: Efficacy of various durations of isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis: five years of follow-up in the IUAT trial. International Union Against Tuberculosis Committee on Prophylaxis.
原文 : 英語
原題: Controlled trial of 4 three-times-weekly regimens and a daily regimen all given for 6 months for pulmonary tuberculosis. Second report: the results up to 24 months. Hong Kong Chest Service/British Medical Research Council.
原文 : 英語
著者: FavezG, LeuenbergerP
原題: A controlled trial of individually-adapted short-course chemotherapy versus two-year scheme in original treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Report after a five-year follow-up.
原文 : 英語
原題: Ethambutol plus isoniazid for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis--a controlled trial of our regimens.
原文 : 英語
著者: ParamasivanC N, HerbertD, UmapathyK C, RahmanF, KrishnamurthyP V, PrabhakarR
原題: Early bactericidal action of pulsed exposure to rifampicin, ethambutol, isoniazid & pyrazinamide in pulmonary tuberculosis patients.
原文 : 英語
著者: CampbellI A, OrmerodL P, FriendJ A, JenkinsP A, PrescottR J
原題: Six months versus nine months chemotherapy for tuberculosis of lymph nodes: final results.
原文 : 英語
著者: BrändliO, DreherD, MorgerD
原題: [Results of short-term tuberculosis therapy with isoniazid, rifampicin and pyrazinamide].
原文 : ドイツ語
著者: MohantyK C, DhamgayeT M
原題: Controlled trial of ciprofloxacin in short-term chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
原題: Controlled trial of short-course regimens of chemotherapy in the ambulatory treatment of spinal tuberculosis. Results at three years of a study in Korea. Twelfth report of the Medical Research Council Working Party on Tuberculosis of the Spine.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZwarensteinM, SchoemanJ H, VunduleC, LombardC J, TatleyM
原題: Randomised controlled trial of self-supervised and directly observed treatment of tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: MwandumbaH C, SquireS B
原題: Fully intermittent dosing with drugs for tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: de BruynG, GarnerP
原題: Mycobacterium vaccae immunotherapy for treating tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: MwandumbaH C, SquireS B
原題: Fully intermittent dosing with drugs for tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: MwandumbaH C, SquireS B
原題: Fully intermittent dosing with drugs for treating tuberculosis in adults.
原文 : 英語
著者: TeoS K, TanK K, KhooT K
原題: Four-month chemotherapy in the treatment of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis: results at 30 to 60 months.
原文 : 英語
著者: VlassovV V, PechatnikovL M, MacLehoseH G
原題: Low level laser therapy for treating tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: TandonMonika, GuptaM, TandonS, GuptaK B
原題: DOTS versus self administered therapy (SAT) for patients of pulmonary tuberculosis: a randomised trial at a tertiary care hospital.
原文 : 英語
著者: PuriM M, AroraV K
原題: Role of gallium arsenide laser irradiation at 890 nm as an adjunctive to anti-tuberculosis drugs in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KimS G, KimJ S, JungH C, SongI S
原題: Is a 9-month treatment sufficient in tuberculous enterocolitis? A prospective, randomized, single-centre study.
原文 : 英語
著者: JohnsonJ L, NunnA J, FourieP B, OrmerodL P, MugerwaR D, MwingaA, ChintuC, NgwiraB, OnyebujohP, ZumlaA
原題: Effect of Mycobacterium vaccae (SRL172) immunotherapy on radiographic healing in tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: SchechterMauro, ZajdenvergRoberto, FalcoGisely, BarnesGrace Link, FaulhaberJosé Cláudio, CoberlyJacqueline S, MooreRichard D, ChaissonRichard E
原題: Weekly rifapentine/isoniazid or daily rifampin/pyrazinamide for latent tuberculosis in household contacts.
原文 : 英語
著者: BamT S, GunnebergC, ChamroonsawasdiK, BamD S, AalbergO, KaslandO, ShiyalapK, SrisorrachatrS
原題: Factors affecting patient adherence to DOTS in urban Kathmandu, Nepal.
原文 : 英語
著者: VolminkJ, GarnerP
原題: Directly observed therapy for treating tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: VlassovV V, MacLehoseH G
原題: Low level laser therapy for treating tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: FraserA, PaulM, AttamnaA, LeiboviciL
原題: Drugs for preventing tuberculosis in people at risk of multiple-drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ChukanovV I, KomissarovaO G, MaishinV Iu, AbdullaevR Iu, KononetsA S
原題: [Efficiency of a new standard chemotherapy regimen in the treatment of patients with recurrent pulmonary tuberculosis].
原文 : ロシア語
著者: GetahunHaileyesus, HarringtonMark, O'BrienRick, NunnPaul
原題: Diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis in people with HIV infection or AIDS in resource-constrained settings: informing urgent policy changes.
原文 : 英語
著者: StorlaDag Gundersen, YimerSolomon, BjuneGunnar Aksel
原題: A systematic review of delay in the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KrukMargaret E, SchwalbeNina R, AguiarChristine A
原題: Timing of default from tuberculosis treatment: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: Hirsch-MovermanY, DaftaryA, FranksJ, ColsonP W
原題: Adherence to treatment for latent tuberculosis infection: systematic review of studies in the US and Canada.
原文 : 英語
著者: MenziesDick, LongRichard, TrajmanAnete, DionMarie-Josée, YangJae, Al JahdaliHamdan, MemishZiad, KhanKamran, GardamMichael, HoeppnerVernon, BenedettiAndrea, SchwartzmanKevin
原題: Adverse events with 4 months of rifampin therapy or 9 months of isoniazid therapy for latent tuberculosis infection: a randomized trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: KangWan-li, XieYan-guang, TanWei-guo, ChuNai-hui, LiLiang, YouYong-hong, YangYing-zhou, WangXiao-meng, YanXing-lu, MiaoZi-ping, DuanmuHong-jin
原題: [Study on the efficacy and safety of short-term treatment including fluoroquinolones anti-tuberculosis drugs for rifampicin resistant pulmonary tuberculosis].
原文 : 中国語
著者: MenziesDick, BenedettiAndrea, PaydarAnita, MartinIan, RoyceSarah, PaiMadhukar, VernonAndrew, LienhardtChristian, BurmanWilliam
原題: Effect of duration and intermittency of rifampin on tuberculosis treatment outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZiakasPanayiotis D, MylonakisEleftherios
原題: 4 months of rifampin compared with 9 months of isoniazid for the management of latent tuberculosis infection: a meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness study that focuses on compliance and liver toxicity.
原文 : 英語
著者: KumarS Vijaya, DekaManoj Kumar, BaggaManish, KalaM Sasi, GauthamanK
原題: A systematic review of different type of tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: TiemersmaEdine W, van der WerfMarieke J, BorgdorffMartien W, WilliamsBrian G, NagelkerkeNico J D
原題: Natural history of tuberculosis: duration and fatality of untreated pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV negative patients: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: SamandariTaraz, AgizewTefera B, NyirendaSamba, TedlaZegabriel, SibandaThabisa, ShangNong, MosimaneotsileBarudi, MotsamaiOaitse I, BozemanLorna, DavisMargarett K, TalbotElizabeth A, MoetiThemba L, MoffatHoward J, KilmarxPeter H, CastroKenneth G, WellsCharles D
原題: 6-month versus 36-month isoniazid preventive treatment for tuberculosis in adults with HIV infection in Botswana: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: SterlingTimothy R, VillarinoM Elsa, BorisovAndrey S, ShangNong, GordinFred, Bliven-SizemoreErin, HackmanJudith, HamiltonCarol Dukes, MenziesDick, KerriganAmy, WeisStephen E, WeinerMarc, WingDiane, CondeMarcus B, BozemanLorna, HorsburghC Robert, ChaissonRichard E,
原題: Three months of rifapentine and isoniazid for latent tuberculosis infection.
原文 : 英語
著者: EsfahaniK, AsplerA, MenziesD, SchwartzmanK
原題: Potential cost-effectiveness of rifampin vs. isoniazid for latent tuberculosis: implications for future clinical trials.
原文 : 英語
著者: CoxH, FordN
原題: Linezolid for the treatment of complicated drug-resistant tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: Suárez-GarcíaInés, NogueradoArturo
原題: Drug treatment of multidrug-resistant osteoarticular tuberculosis: a systematic literature review.
原文 : 英語
著者: DeyTeesta, BrigdenGrania, CoxHelen, ShubberZara, CookeGraham, FordNathan
原題: Outcomes of clofazimine for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ChuchottawornCharoen, SaipanBenjawan, KittisupChomnapa, CheewakulKrisana
原題: Adverse drug reactions and outcome of short course anti-tuberculosis drugs between single daily dose and split drug dose (BID) in pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ToczekA, CoxH, du CrosP, CookeG, FordN
原題: Strategies for reducing treatment default in drug-resistant tuberculosis: systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: MarroneM T, VenkataramananV, GoodmanM, HillA C, JerebJ A, MaseS R
原題: Surgical interventions for drug-resistant tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: Banu RekhaV V, RajaramK, KripasankarA S, ParthasarathyR, UmapathyK C, SheikhI, SelvakumarN, VictorM, NiruparaniC, SridharR, JawaharM S
原題: Efficacy of the 6-month thrice-weekly regimen in the treatment of new sputum smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis under clinical trial conditions.
原文 : 英語
著者: EzerN, BenedettiA, Darvish-ZargarM, MenziesD
原題: Incidence of ethambutol-related visual impairment during treatment of active tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: SharmaSurendra K, SharmaAnju, KadhiravanTamilarasu, TharyanPrathap
原題: Rifamycins (rifampicin, rifabutin and rifapentine) compared to isoniazid for preventing tuberculosis in HIV-negative people at risk of active TB.
原文 : 英語
著者: BediangGeorges, StollBeat, EliaNadia, AbenaJean-Louis, NolnaDésiré, ChastonayPhilippe, GeissbuhlerAntoine
原題: SMS reminders to improve the tuberculosis cure rate in developing countries (TB-SMS Cameroon): a protocol of a randomised control study.
原文 : 英語
著者: NunnAndrew J, RusenI D, Van DeunArmand, TorreaGabriela, PhillipsPatrick P J, ChiangChen-Yuan, SquireS Bertel, MadanJason, MeredithSarah K
原題: Evaluation of a standardized treatment regimen of anti-tuberculosis drugs for patients with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (STREAM): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: CritchleyJulia A, OrtonLois C, PearsonFiona
原題: Adjunctive steroid therapy for managing pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: LiuQin, AbbaKatharine, AlejandriaMarissa M, SinclairDavid, BalanagVincent M, LansangMary Ann D
原題: Reminder systems to improve patient adherence to tuberculosis clinic appointments for diagnosis and treatment.
原文 : 英語
著者: DiaconAndreas H, DawsonRodney, von Groote-BidlingmaierFlorian, SymonsGregory, VenterAmour, DonaldPeter R, van NiekerkChristo, EverittDaniel, HutchingsJane, BurgerDivan A, SchallRobert, MendelCarl M
原題: Bactericidal activity of pyrazinamide and clofazimine alone and in combinations with pretomanid and bedaquiline.
原文 : 英語
著者: DawsonRodney, DiaconAndreas H, EverittDaniel, van NiekerkChristo, DonaldPeter R, BurgerDivan A, SchallRobert, SpigelmanMelvin, ConradieAlmari, EisenachKathleen, VenterAmour, IvePrudence, Page-ShippLiesl, VariavaEbrahim, ReitherKlaus, NtinginyaNyanda E, PymAlexander, von Groote-BidlingmaierFlorian, MendelCarl M
原題: Efficiency and safety of the combination of moxifloxacin, pretomanid (PA-824), and pyrazinamide during the first 8 weeks of antituberculosis treatment: a phase 2b, open-label, partly randomised trial in patients with drug-susceptible or drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: CaiJing, WangXianhua, MaAiguo, WangQiuzhen, HanXiuxia, LiYong
原題: Factors associated with patient and provider delays for tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: LaurenceYoko V, GriffithsUlla K, VassallAnna
原題: Costs to Health Services and the Patient of Treating Tuberculosis: A Systematic Literature Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: KarumbiJamlick, GarnerPaul
原題: Directly observed therapy for treating tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: YuenCourtney M, JenkinsHelen E, RodriguezCarly A, KeshavjeeSalmaan, BecerraMercedes C
原題: Global and Regional Burden of Isoniazid-Resistant Tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: DawsonR, NarunskyK, CarmanD, GupteN, WhitelawA, EfronA, BarnesG L, HoffmanJ, ChaissonR E, McIlleronH, DormanS E
原題: Two-stage activity-safety study of daily rifapentine during intensive phase treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KasoziSamuel, ClarkJustin, DoiSuhail A R
原題: Intermittent Versus Daily Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens: A Meta-Analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: UthmanOlalekan A, OkwunduCharles, GbengaKayode, VolminkJimmy, DowdyDavid, ZumlaAlimuddin, NachegaJean B
原題: Optimal Timing of Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation for HIV-Infected Adults With Newly Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: WhitfieldMichael G, SoetersHeidi M, WarrenRobin M, YorkTalita, SampsonSamantha L, StreicherElizabeth M, van HeldenPaul D, van RieAnnelies
原題: A Global Perspective on Pyrazinamide Resistance: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ChangK-C, YewW-W, SotgiuG
原題: Clinical research in the treatment of tuberculosis: current status and future prospects.
原文 : 英語
著者: GrayE L, GoldbergH F
原題: Baseline abnormal liver function tests are more important than age in the development of isoniazid-induced hepatoxicity for patients receiving preventive therapy for latent tuberculosis infection.
原文 : 英語
著者: HeemskerkA Dorothee, BangNguyen D, MaiNguyen T H, ChauTran T H, PhuNguyen H, LocPham P, ChauNguyen V V, HienTran T, DungNguyen H, LanNguyen T N, LanNguyen H, LanNguyen N, PhongLe T, VienNguyen N, HienNguyen Q, YenNguyen T B, HaDang T M, DayJeremy N, CawsMaxine, MersonLaura, ThinhTran T V, WolbersMarcel, ThwaitesGuy E, FarrarJeremy J
原題: Intensified Antituberculosis Therapy in Adults with Tuberculous Meningitis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KolomietsV M, AbramovA V, RachinaN V, RublevaN V
原題: [Immunomodulator Intensification of Etioropic Therapy in Patients with Advanced Pulmonary Tuberculosis].
原文 : ロシア語
著者: PhillipsPatrick P J, DooleyKelly E, GillespieStephen H, HeinrichNorbert, StoutJason E, NahidPayam, DiaconAndreas H, AarnoutseRob E, KibikiGibson S, BoereeMartin J, HoelscherMichael
原題: A new trial design to accelerate tuberculosis drug development: the Phase IIC Selection Trial with Extended Post-treatment follow-up (STEP).
原文 : 英語
著者: SandgrenAndreas, Vonk Noordegraaf-SchoutenMarije, van KesselFemke, StuurmanAnke, Oordt-SpeetsAnouk, van der WerfMarieke J
原題: Initiation and completion rates for latent tuberculosis infection treatment: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: GallardoCarmen R, Rigau ComasDavid, Valderrama RodríguezAngélica, Roqué i FigulsMarta, ParkerLucy Anne, CaylàJoan, Bonfill CospXavier
原題: Fixed-dose combinations of drugs versus single-drug formulations for treating pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: AgyemanAkosua Adom, Ofori-AsensoRichard
原題: Efficacy and safety profile of linezolid in the treatment of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: den BoonS, MatteelliA, GetahunH
原題: Rifampicin resistance after treatment for latent tuberculous infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KahwatiLeila C, FeltnerCynthia, HalpernMichael, WoodellCarol L, BolandErin, AmickHalle R, WeberRachel Palmieri, JonasDaniel E
原題: Primary Care Screening and Treatment for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Adults: Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force.
原文 : 英語
著者: JullienSophie, JainSiddharth, RyanHannah, AhujaVineet
原題: Six-month therapy for abdominal tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: Muñoz-TorricoMarcela, RendonAdrian, CentisRosella, D'AmbrosioLia, FuentesZhenia, Torres-DuqueCarlos, MelloFernanda, DalcolmoMargareth, Pérez-PadillaRogelio, SpanevelloAntonio, MiglioriGiovanni Battista
原題: Is there a rationale for pulmonary rehabilitation following successful chemotherapy for tuberculosis?
原文 : 英語
著者: GegiaMedea, WintersNicholas, BenedettiAndrea, van SoolingenDick, MenziesDick
原題: Treatment of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis with first-line drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: LimaGlaura C, SilvaEmilia V, MagalhãesPérola de O, NavesJaneth S
原題: Efficacy and safety of a four-drug fixed-dose combination regimen versus separate drugs for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KibretKelemu Tilahun, MogesYonatan, MemiahPeter, BiadgilignSibhatu
原題: Treatment outcomes for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis under DOTS-Plus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies.
原文 : 英語
著者: BoereeMartin J, HeinrichNorbert, AarnoutseRob, DiaconAndreas H, DawsonRodney, RehalSunita, KibikiGibson S, ChurchyardGavin, SanneIan, NtinginyaNyanda E, MinjaLilian T, HuntRobert D, CharalambousSalome, HanekomMadeleine, SemvuaHadija H, MpagamaStellah G, ManyamaChristina, MtafyaBariki, ReitherKlaus, WallisRobert S, VenterAmour, NarunskyKim, MekotaAnka, HenneSonja, ColbersAngela, van BalenGeorgette Plemper, GillespieStephen H, PhillipsPatrick P J, HoelscherMichael,
原題: High-dose rifampicin, moxifloxacin, and SQ109 for treating tuberculosis: a multi-arm, multi-stage randomised controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: HeemskerkA Dorothee, NguyenMai Thi Hoang, DangHa Thi Minh, Vinh NguyenChau Van, NguyenLan Huu, DoThu Dang Anh, NguyenThuong Thuy Thuong, WolbersMarcel, DayJeremy, LeThao Thi Phuong, NguyenBang Duc, CawsMaxine, ThwaitesGuy E
原題: Clinical Outcomes of Patients With Drug-Resistant Tuberculous Meningitis Treated With an Intensified Antituberculosis Regimen.
原文 : 英語
著者: SullivanBrittney J, EsmailiB Emily, CunninghamColeen K
原題: Barriers to initiating tuberculosis treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review focused on children and youth.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZennerDominik, BeerNetta, HarrisRoss J, LipmanMarc C, StaggHelen R, van der WerfMarieke J
原題: Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection: An Updated Network Meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: BoydR, FordN, PadgenP, CoxH
原題: Time to treatment for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis: systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: BelknapRobert, HollandDavid, FengPei-Jean, MilletJoan-Pau, CaylàJoan A, MartinsonNeil A, WrightAlicia, ChenMichael P, MoroRuth N, ScottNigel A, ArevaloBert, MiróJosé M, VillarinoMargarita E, WeinerMarc, BorisovAndrey S,
原題: Self-administered Versus Directly Observed Once-Weekly Isoniazid and Rifapentine Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Randomized Trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: DenholmJustin T, McBrydeEmma S, EisenDamon, StreetAlan, MatchettElizabeth, ChenCaroline, ShultzThomas Ray, BiggsBeverly, LederKarin
原題: SIRCLE: a randomised controlled cost comparison of self-administered short-course isoniazid and rifapentine for cost-effective latent tuberculosis eradication.
原文 : 英語
著者: LiuY H, GaoW W, LiL, DuJ, MaY, ShuW, LyuX Y, XieS H, WangH H, ChenT
原題: [The effectiveness of individualized treatment regimen on smear-positive retreatment pulmonary tuberculosis with mono- and poly-drug resistance].
原文 : 中国語
著者: BonnettLaura Jayne, Ken-DrorGie, DaviesGeraint Rhys
原題: Quality of reporting of outcomes in phase III studies of pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: PeaseChristopher, HuttonBrian, YazdiFatemeh, WolfeDianna, HamelCandyce, BarbeauPauline, SkidmoreBecky, AlvarezGonzalo G
原題: A systematic review of adverse events of rifapentine and isoniazid compared to other treatments for latent tuberculosis infection.
原文 : 英語
著者: FregoneseFederica, AhujaShama D, AkkermanOnno W, Arakaki-SanchezDenise, AyakakaIrene, BaghaeiParvaneh, BangDidi, BastosMayara, BenedettiAndrea, BonnetMaryline, CattamanchiAdithya, CegielskiPeter, ChienJung-Yien, CoxHelen, DedicoatMartin, ErkensConnie, EscalantePatricio, FalzonDennis, Garcia-PratsAnthony J, GegiaMedea, GillespieStephen H, GlynnJudith R, GoldbergStefan, GriffithDavid, JacobsonKaren R, JohnstonJames C, Jones-LópezEdward C, KhanAwal, KohWon-Jung, KritskiAfranio, LanZhi Yi, LeeJae Ho, LiPei Zhi, MacielEthel L, GalliezRafael Mello, MerleCorinne S C, MunangMelinda, NarendranGopalan, NguyenViet Nhung, NunnAndrew, OhkadoAkihiro, ParkJong Sun, PhillipsPatrick P J, PonnurajaChinnaiyan, RevesRandall, RomanowskiKamila, SeungKwonjune, SchaafH Simon, SkrahinaAlena, SoolingenDick van, TabarsiPayam, TrajmanAnete, TrieuLisa, BanurekhaVelayutham V, ViikleppPiret, WangJann-Yuan, YoshiyamaTakashi, MenziesDick
原題: Comparison of different treatments for isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: GeorgeI A, ThomasB, SadhuJ S
原題: Systematic review and meta-analysis of adjunctive corticosteroids in the treatment of tuberculous pericarditis.
原文 : 英語
著者: MüllerA M, OsórioC S, SilvaD R, SbruzziG, de TarsoP, DalcinRoth
原題: Interventions to improve adherence to tuberculosis treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: HarauszElizabeth P, Garcia-PratsAnthony J, LawStephanie, SchaafH Simon, KredoTamara, SeddonJames A, MenziesDick, TurkovaAnna, AcharJay, AmanullahFarhana, BarryPennan, BecerraMercedes, ChanEdward D, ChanPei Chun, Ioana ChiotanDomnica, CrossaAldo, DrobacPeter C, FairlieLee, FalzonDennis, FloodJennifer, GegiaMedea, HicksRobert M, IsaakidisPetros, KadriS M, KampmannBeate, MadhiShabir A, MaraisElse, MariandyshevAndrei, Méndez-EchevarríaAna, MooreBrittany Kathryn, NargizaParpieva, OzereIveta, PadayatchiNesri, Ur-RehmanSaleem-, RybakNatasha, Santiago-GarciaBegoña, ShahN Sarita, SharmaSangeeta, ShimTae Sun, SkrahinaAlena, Soriano-ArandesAntoni, van den BoomMartin, van der WerfMarieke J, van der WerfTjip S, WilliamsBhanu, YablokovaElena, YimJae-Joon, FurinJennifer, HesselingAnneke C,
原題: Treatment and outcomes in children with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: A systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: DialloThierno, AdjobimeyMenonli, RuslamiRovina, TrajmanAnete, SowOumou, Obeng BaahJoseph, MarksGuy B, LongRichard, ElwoodKevin, ZielinskiDavid, GninafonMartin, WulandariDiah A, AprianiLika, ValiquetteChantal, FregoneseFederica, HornbyKaren, LiPei-Zhi, HillPhilip C, SchwartzmanKevin, BenedettiAndrea, MenziesDick
原題: Safety and Side Effects of Rifampin versus Isoniazid in Children.
原文 : 英語
著者: , AhmadNafees, AhujaShama D, AkkermanOnno W, AlffenaarJan-Willem C, AndersonLaura F, BaghaeiParvaneh, BangDidi, BarryPennan M, BastosMayara L, BeheraDigamber, BenedettiAndrea, BissonGregory P, BoereeMartin J, BonnetMaryline, BrodeSarah K, BrustJames C M, CaiYing, CaumesEric, CegielskiJ Peter, CentisRosella, ChanPei-Chun, ChanEdward D, ChangKwok-Chiu, CharlesMacarthur, CiruleAndra, DalcolmoMargareth Pretti, D'AmbrosioLia, de VriesGerard, DhedaKeertan, EsmailAliasgar, FloodJennifer, FoxGregory J, Fréchet-JachymMathilde, FregonaGeisa, GayosoRegina, GegiaMedea, GlerMaria Tarcela, GuSue, GuglielmettiLorenzo, HoltzTimothy H, HughesJennifer, IsaakidisPetros, JarlsbergLeah, KempkerRussell R, KeshavjeeSalmaan, KhanFaiz Ahmad, KipianiMaia, KoenigSerena P, KohWon-Jung, KritskiAfranio, KuksaLiga, KvasnovskyCharlotte L, KwakNakwon, LanZhiyi, LangeChristoph, Laniado-LaborínRafael, LeeMyungsun, LeimaneVaira, LeungChi-Chiu, LeungEric Chung-Ching, LiPei Zhi, LowenthalPhil, MacielEthel L, MarksSuzanne M, MaseSundari, MbuagbawLawrence, MiglioriGiovanni B, MilanovVladimir, MillerAnn C, MitnickCarole D, ModongoChawangwa, MohrErika, MonederoIgnacio, NahidPayam, NdjekaNorbert, O'DonnellMax R, PadayatchiNesri, PalmeroDomingo, PapeJean William, PodewilsLaura J, ReynoldsIan, RiekstinaVija, RobertJérôme, RodriguezMaria, SeaworthBarbara, SeungKwonjune J, SchnippelKathryn, ShimTae Sun, SinglaRupak, SmithSarah E, SotgiuGiovanni, SukhbaatarGanzaya, TabarsiPayam, TiberiSimon, TrajmanAnete, TrieuLisa, UdwadiaZarir F, van der WerfTjip S, VezirisNicolas, ViikleppPiret, VilbrunStalz Charles, WalshKathleen, WestenhouseJanice, YewWing-Wai, YimJae-Joon, ZetolaNicola M, ZignolMatteo, MenziesDick
原題: Treatment correlates of successful outcomes in pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: an individual patient data meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: LeeJung-Kyu, LeeJi Yeon, KimDeog Kyeom, YoonHo Il, JeongIna, HeoEun Young, ParkYoung Sik, JoYong Suk, LeeJae Ho, ParkSung Soo, ParkJong Sun, KimJunghyun, LeeSang-Min, JohJoon-Sung, LeeChang-Hoon, LeeJinwoo, ChoiSun Mi, ParkJu-Hee, LeeSang Hoon, ChoYoung-Jae, LeeYeon Joo, KimSe Joong, KwakNakwon, HwangYong Ran, KimHyeonjeong, KiJongeun, LimJi Na, ChoiHyoung Sook, LeeMyungsun, SongTaeksun, KimHyun Su, HanJiyeon, AhnHeejung, HahnSeokyung, YimJae-Joon
原題: Substitution of ethambutol with linezolid during the intensive phase of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: a prospective, multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZegeyeAbriham, DessieGetnet, WagnewFasil, GebrieAlemu, IslamSheikh Mohammed Shariful, TesfayeBekele, KirossDessalegn
原題: Prevalence and determinants of anti-tuberculosis treatment non-adherence in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: MüllerAlice Mânica, OsórioCecília Susin, de FigueiredoRaíssa Velasquez, SilvaDenise Rossato, DalcinPaulo de Tarso Roth
原題: Educational strategy intervention and remote supervision on the post-discharge management of tuberculosis diagnosed in the hospital: Randomized clinical trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: ShevchenkoS Yu, KulchavenyaE V
原題: [Adjunctive technologies in treatment of patients with urogenital tuberculosis].
原文 : ロシア語
著者: WangMing-Gui, LuoLan, ZhangYunxia, LiuXiangming, LiuLin, HeJian-Qing
原題: Treatment outcomes of tuberculous meningitis in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: TweedConor D, DawsonRodney, BurgerDivan A, ConradieAlmari, CrookAngela M, MendelCarl M, ConradieFrancesca, DiaconAndreas H, NtinginyaNyanda E, EverittDaniel E, HarakaFrederick, LiMengchun, van NiekerkChristo H, OkweraAlphonse, RassoolMohammed S, ReitherKlaus, SebeModulakgotla A, StaplesSuzanne, VariavaEbrahim, SpigelmanMelvin
原題: Bedaquiline, moxifloxacin, pretomanid, and pyrazinamide during the first 8 weeks of treatment of patients with drug-susceptible or drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis: a multicentre, open-label, partially randomised, phase 2b trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: GraceAngeline G, MittalAbhenil, JainSiddharth, TripathyJaya P, SatyanarayanaSrinath, TharyanPrathap, KirubakaranRichard
原題: Shortened treatment regimens versus the standard regimen for drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: Chaves TorresNinfa Marlen, Quijano RodríguezJecxy Julieth, Porras AndradePablo Sebastián, ArriagaMaría Belen, NettoEduardo Martins
原題: Factors predictive of the success of tuberculosis treatment: A systematic review with meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: SterlingTimothy R, NjieGibril, ZennerDominik, CohnDavid L, RevesRandall, AhmedAmina, MenziesDick, HorsburghC Robert, CraneCharles M, BurgosMarcos, LoBuePhilip, WinstonCarla A, BelknapRobert
原題: Guidelines for the Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection: Recommendations from the National Tuberculosis Controllers Association and CDC, 2020.
原文 : 英語
著者: NdegeRobert, NgomeOmary, BaniFarida, TembaYvan, WilsonHerieth, VanobberghenFiona, HellaJerry, GingoWinfrid, SasamaloMohamed, MnzavaDorcas, KimeraNamvua, HizaHelen, WigayiJohn, MapesiHerry, KatoIrene B, MhimbiraFrancis, ReitherKlaus, BattegayManuel, ParisDaniel H, WeisserMaja, RohacekMartin
原題: Ultrasound in managing extrapulmonary tuberculosis: a randomized controlled two-center study.
原文 : 英語
著者: Kouemo MotseDorgelesse F, NsaghaDickson Shey, AdiogoDieudonné, Kojom FokoLoick P, TeyimPride M, Chichom-MefireAlain, Nguedia AssobJules C
原題: Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Outcome in the Littoral Region of Cameroon: A Meta-analysis of Treatment Success Rate between 2014 and 2016.
原文 : 英語
著者: MachmudPutri Bungsu, DjuwitaRatna, GayatriDwi, KhairaniNurul, PutraWahyu K Y, RonoatmodjoSudarto
原題: Influence of Micronutrient Consumption by Tuberculosis Patients on the Sputum Conversion Rate: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Study.
原文 : 英語
著者: NatarajanArvind, BeenaP M, DevnikarAnushka V, MaliSagar
原題: A systemic review on tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: WengTaoping, SunFeng, LiYang, ChenJiazhen, ChenXinchang, LiRong, GeShijia, ZhaoYanlin, ZhangWenhong
原題: Refining MDR-TB treatment regimens for ultra short therapy (TB-TRUST): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: CalderwoodClaire J, WilsonJames P, FieldingKatherine L, HarrisRebecca C, KaratAaron S, MansukhaniRaoul, FalconerJane, BergstromMalin, JohnsonSarah M, McCreeshNicky, MonkEdward J M, OdayarJasantha, ScottPeter J, StokesSarah A, TheodorouHannah, MooreDavid A J
原題: Dynamics of sputum conversion during effective tuberculosis treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: GilsTinne, LynenLutgarde, de JongBouke C, Van DeunArmand, DecrooTom
原題: Pretomanid for tuberculosis: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: TeoAlvin Kuo Jing, SinghShweta R, PremKiesha, HsuLi Yang, YiSiyan
原題: Duration and determinants of delayed tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in high-burden countries: a mixed-methods systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: XinHenan, CaoXuefang, ZhangHaoran, FengBoxuan, DuYing, ZhangBin, WangDakuan, LiuZisen, GuanLing, ShenFei, GuanXueling, YanJiaoxia, HeYijun, HeYongpeng, QuanZhusheng, PanShouguo, LiuJianmin, JinQi, GaoLei
原題: Protective efficacy of 6-week regimen for latent tuberculosis infection treatment in rural China: 5-year follow-up of a randomised controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: PadmapriydarsiniChandrasekaran, MamulwarMegha, MohanAnant, ShanmugamPrema, GomathyN S, ManeAarti, SinghUrvashi B, PavankumarNathella, KadamAbhijeet, KumarHemanth, SureshChandra, ReddyDevaraju, DeviPoornaganga, RameshP M, SekarLakshmanan, JawaharShaheed, ShandilR K, SinghManjula, MenonJaykumar, GuleriaRandeep
原題: Randomized Trial of Metformin With Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs for Early Sputum Conversion in Adults With Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: CattamanchiAdithya, RezaTania F, NalugwaTalemwa, AdamsKatherine, NantaleMariam, OyukuDenis, NabwireSarah, BabiryeDiana, TuryahabweStavia, TuckerAustin, SohnHojoon, FergusonOlivia, ThompsonRyan, ShetePriya B, HandleyMargaret A, AckermanSara, JolobaMoses, MooreDavid A J, DavisJ Lucian, DowdyDavid W, FieldingKatherine, KatambaAchilles
原題: Multicomponent Strategy with Decentralized Molecular Testing for Tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: HatamiHossein, SotgiuGiovanni, BostanghadiriNarjess, AbadiSahel Shafiee Dolat, MesgarpourBita, GoudarziHossein, MiglioriGiovanni Battista, NasiriMohammad Javad
原題: Bedaquiline-containing regimens and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: BerryCatherine, du CrosPhilipp, FieldingKatherine, GajewskiSuzanne, KazounisEmil, McHughTimothy D, MerleCorinne, MottaIlaria, MooreDavid A J, Nyang'waBern-Thomas
原題: TB-PRACTECAL: study protocol for a randomised, controlled, open-label, phase II-III trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of regimens containing bedaquiline and pretomanid for the treatment of adult patients with pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: WangMing-Gui, LiuXiang-Min, WuShou-Quan, HeJian-Qing
原題: Impacts of clofazimine on the treatment outcomes of drug-resistant tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: ConradieFrancesca, BagdasaryanTatevik R, BorisovSergey, HowellPauline, MikiashviliLali, NgubaneNosipho, SamoilovaAnastasia, SkornykovaSergey, TudorElena, VariavaEbrahim, YablonskiyPetr, EverittDaniel, WillsGenevieve H, SunEugene, OlugbosiMorounfolu, EgiziErica, LiMengchun, HolstaAlda, TimmJuliano, BatesonAnna, CrookAngela M, FabianeStella M, HuntRobert, McHughTimothy D, TweedConor D, ForaidaSalah, MendelCarl M, SpigelmanMelvin,
原題: Bedaquiline-Pretomanid-Linezolid Regimens for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis.
原文 : 英語
著者: HeYiyue, LiXiaofei
原題: The treatment effect of Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, and Gatifloxacin contained in the conventional therapy regimen for pulmonary tuberculosis: Systematic review and network meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: OhAi Ling, Makmor-BakryMohd, IslahudinFarida, WongIan Ck
原題: Prevalence and predictive factors of tuberculosis treatment interruption in the Asia region: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: LucenaLarissa Araújo de, DantasGabriela Bezerra da Silva, CarneiroTaynara Vieira, LacerdaHênio Godeiro
原題: Factors Associated with the Abandonment of Tuberculosis Treatment in Brazil: A Systematic Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: MatucciTommaso, RiccardiNiccolò, OcchineriSara, PontarelliAgostina, TiseoGiusy, FalconeMarco, PuciMariangela, SaderiLaura, SotgiuGiovanni
原題: Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in incarcerated people: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: PutraOki Nugraha, YulistianiYulistiani, SoedarsonoSoedarsono, SubaySusi
原題: Favorable outcome of individual regimens containing bedaquiline and delamanid in drug-resistant tuberculosis: A systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: SiddhiP S, RaveendranathR, PuligariP, ChinnaswamyA, SongR, WelchS B
原題: A systematic review on correlates of risk of TB disease in children and adults.
原文 : 英語
著者: AssefaDawit Getachew, BedruAhmed, ZelekeEden Dagnachew, NegashSolomon Emiru, DebelaDejene Tolossa, MollaWondowsen, MengistuNebiyu, WoldesenbetTigist Tekle, BedaneNeway Fekede, KajogooViolet Dismas, AtimMary Gorret, ManyazewalTsegahun
原題: Efficacy and safety of different regimens in the treatment of patients with latent tuberculosis infection: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
原文 : 英語
著者: PedersenOle Skouvig, HolmgaardFreja Breth, MikkelsenMads Kristian Duborg, LangeChristoph, SotgiuGiovanni, LillebaekTroels, AndersenAase Bengaard, WejseChristian Morberg, DahlVictor Naestholt
原題: Global treatment outcomes of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
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