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前立腺がんの治療には、手術、放射線療法、ホルモン療法、化学療法など様々な方法があります。論文によると、手術療法として前立腺摘除術 ( 117 ) や、放射線療法 ( 56 ) が用いられることが多いようです。また、ホルモン療法には、アンドロゲン遮断療法 ( 130 ) が挙げられます。ホルモン療法は、前立腺がんの増殖に重要な役割を果たす男性ホルモンであるアンドロゲンの分泌を抑制することで、がんの増殖を抑える効果があります。
著者: DalesioO
原題: Complete androgen blockade in prostate cancer: an overview of randomized trials.
原文 : 英語
著者: McLeodD G, CrawfordE D, BlumensteinB A, EisenbergerM A, DorrF A
原題: Controversies in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: MarkiewiczD, HanksG E
原題: Therapeutic options in the management of incidental carcinoma of the prostate.
原文 : 英語
著者: CrawfordE D
原題: Combined androgen blockade.
原文 : 英語
著者: LabrieF, DupontA, BelangerA, GiguereM, LacoursiereY, EmondJ, MonfetteG, BergeronV
原題: Combination therapy with flutamide and castration (LHRH agonist or orchiectomy) in advanced prostate cancer: a marked improvement in response and survival.
原文 : 英語
著者: HubenR P, MurphyG P
原題: A comparison of diethylstilbestrol or orchiectomy with buserelin and with methotrexate plus diethylstilbestrol or orchiectomy in newly diagnosed patients with clinical stage D2 cancer of the prostate.
原文 : 英語
著者: MurphyG P, HubenR P, PrioreR
原題: Results of another trial of chemotherapy with and without hormones in patients with newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: HanksG E, HanlonA, SchultheissT, CornB, ShipleyW U, LeeW R
原題: Early prostate cancer: the national results of radiation treatment from the Patterns of Care and Radiation Therapy Oncology Group studies with prospects for improvement with conformal radiation and adjuvant androgen deprivation.
原文 : 英語
著者: DijkmanG A, Fernandez del MoralP, DebruyneF M, JanknegtR A
原題: Improved subjective responses to orchiectomy plus nilutamide (anandron) in comparison to orchiectomy plus placebo in metastatic prostate cancer. International Anandron Study Group.
原文 : 英語
著者: LundgrenR, NordleO, JosefssonK
原題: Immediate estrogen or estramustine phosphate therapy versus deferred endocrine treatment in nonmetastatic prostate cancer: a randomized multicenter study with 15 years of followup. The South Sweden Prostate Cancer Study Group.
原文 : 英語
著者: De RidderD, ElgamalA, WerbrouckP, AckaertK, Van PoppelH, Van de VoordeW, OyenR, BaertL
原題: [Hormone therapy before radical prostatectomy. Effects on surgical method and resection margins. Belgian Uro-Oncological Study Group (B.U.O.S.)].
原文 : フランス語
著者: CivantosF, MarcialM A, BanksE R, HoC K, SpeightsV O, DrewP A, MurphyW M, SolowayM S
原題: Pathology of androgen deprivation therapy in prostate carcinoma. A comparative study of 173 patients.
原文 : 英語
著者: FrödinJ E
原題: Prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: BollaM
原題: Adjuvant hormonal treatment with radiotherapy for locally advanced prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ViciniF A, KiniV R, SpencerW, DioknoA, MartinezA A
原題: The role of androgen deprivation in the definitive management of clinically localized prostate cancer treated with radiation therapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: ShipleyW U, ThamesH D, SandlerH M, HanksG E, ZietmanA L, PerezC A, KubanD A, HancockS L, SmithC D
原題: Radiation therapy for clinically localized prostate cancer: a multi-institutional pooled analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: MurphyG P
原題: Review of phase II hormone refractory prostate cancer trials.
原文 : 英語
著者: AkazaH, HommaY, OkadaK, YokoyamaM, MoriyamaN, UsamiM, HiraoY, TsushimaT, OhashiY, AsoY
原題: Early results of LH-RH agonist treatment with or without chlormadinone acetate for hormone therapy of naive localized or locally advanced prostate cancer: a prospective and randomized study. The Prostate Cancer Study Group.
原文 : 英語
著者: WangJ, HalfordS, RiggA, RoylanceR, LynchM, WaxmanJ
原題: Adjuvant mitozantrone chemotherapy in advanced prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: NairB, WiltT, MacDonaldR, RutksI
原題: Early versus deferred androgen suppression in the treatment of advanced prostatic cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ThompsonIan M, TangenCatherine, BaslerJoseph, CrawfordE David
原題: Impact of previous local treatment for prostate cancer on subsequent metastatic disease.
原文 : 英語
著者: Burns-CoxNick, BasketterVanessa, HigginsBernard, HolmesSimon
原題: Prospective randomised trial comparing diethylstilboestrol and flutamide in the treatment of hormone relapsed prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: AlibhaiShabbir M H, KlotzLaurence H
原題: A systematic review of randomized trials in localized prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: NilssonSten, NorlénBo Johan, WidmarkAnders
原題: A systematic overview of radiation therapy effects in prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SchröderFritz H, KurthKarl Heinz, FossåSophie D, HoekstraWytze, KarthausPeter P M, DeboisMuriel, ColletteLaurence,
原題: Early versus delayed endocrine treatment of pN1-3 M0 prostate cancer without local treatment of the primary tumor: results of European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer 30846--a phase III study.
原文 : 英語
著者: ArlenPhilip M, GulleyJames L, ToddNushin, LiebermanRonald, SteinbergSeth M, MorinSteve, BastianAnne, MarteJennifer, TsangKwong-Yok, BeethamPatricia, GrosenbachDouglas W, SchlomJeffrey, DahutWilliam
原題: Antiandrogen, vaccine and combination therapy in patients with nonmetastatic hormone refractory prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZietmanAnthony L, DeSilvioMichelle L, SlaterJerry D, RossiCarl J, MillerDaniel W, AdamsJudith A, ShipleyWilliam U
原題: Comparison of conventional-dose vs high-dose conformal radiation therapy in clinically localized adenocarcinoma of the prostate: a randomized controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: BollaMichel, MaingonPhilippe, FourneretPhilippe, ArtignanXavier, DescotesJean-Luc
原題: [Indications of the association of radiotherapy and hormonal treatment in prostate cancer].
原文 : フランス語
著者: DyrstadSara W, ShahPrabodh, RaoK
原題: Chemotherapy for prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: WinquistEric, WaldronTricia, BerryScott, ErnstD Scott, HotteSébastien, LukkaHimu
原題: Non-hormonal systemic therapy in men with hormone-refractory prostate cancer and metastases: a systematic review from the Cancer Care Ontario Program in Evidence-based Care's Genitourinary Cancer Disease Site Group.
原文 : 英語
著者: GranforsTorvald, ModigHans, DamberJan-Erik, TomicRadisa
原題: Long-term followup of a randomized study of locally advanced prostate cancer treated with combined orchiectomy and external radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone.
原文 : 英語
著者: BelkaC, GanswindtU
原題: [Recurrence of prostate cancer--value of salvage radiotherapy].
原文 : ドイツ語
著者: ShelleyMike, HarrisonCraig, ColesBernadette, StaffurthJohn, WiltTimothy J, MasonMalcolm D
原題: Chemotherapy for hormone-refractory prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: KarazanashviliG, MullerS
原題: Is radical prostatectomy an option in high-risk prostate cancer patients?
原文 : 英語
著者: ShelleyM, WiltT J, ColesB, MasonM D
原題: Cryotherapy for localised prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ContiP D, AtallahA N, ArrudaH, SoaresB G O, El DibR P, WiltT J
原題: Intermittent versus continuous androgen suppression for prostatic cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: StuderUrs E, ColletteLaurence, WhelanPeter, AlbrechtWalter, CasselmanJacques, de ReijkeTheo, KnönagelHartmut, LoidlWolfgang, IsornaSantiago, SundaramSubramanian K, DeboisMuriel,
原題: Using PSA to guide timing of androgen deprivation in patients with T0-4 N0-2 M0 prostate cancer not suitable for local curative treatment (EORTC 30891).
原文 : 英語
著者: Di LorenzoGiuseppe, FiggWilliam D, FossaSophie D, MironeVincenzo, AutorinoRiccardo, LongoNicola, ImbimboCiro, PerdonàSisto, GiordanoAntonio, GiulianoMario, LabiancaRoberto, De PlacidoSabino
原題: Combination of bevacizumab and docetaxel in docetaxel-pretreated hormone-refractory prostate cancer: a phase 2 study.
原文 : 英語
著者: WiltTimothy J, BrawerMichael K, BarryMichael J, JonesKaren M, KwonYoung, GingrichJeffrey R, AronsonWilliam J, NsouliImad, IyerPadmini, CartagenaRuben, SniderGlenn, RoehrbornClaus, FoxSteven
原題: The Prostate cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial:VA/NCI/AHRQ Cooperative Studies Program #407 (PIVOT): design and baseline results of a randomized controlled trial comparing radical prostatectomy to watchful waiting for men with clinically localized prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SchröderFritz H, KurthKarl-Heinz, FossaSophie D, HoekstraWytse, KarthausPeter P, De PrijckLinda, ColletteLaurence
原題: Early versus delayed endocrine treatment of T2-T3 pN1-3 M0 prostate cancer without local treatment of the primary tumour: final results of European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer protocol 30846 after 13 years of follow-up (a randomised controlled trial).
原文 : 英語
著者: BastianPatrick J, CarterBallentine H, BjartellAnders, SeitzMichael, StanislausPeter, MontorsiFrancesco, StiefChristian G, SchröderFritz
原題: Insignificant prostate cancer and active surveillance: from definition to clinical implications.
原文 : 英語
著者: WeissbachLothar, AltweinJens
原題: Active surveillance or active treatment in localized prostate cancer?
原文 : 英語
著者: VerhagenPaul C M S, SchröderFritz H, ColletteLaurence, BangmaChris H
原題: Does local treatment of the prostate in advanced and/or lymph node metastatic disease improve efficacy of androgen-deprivation therapy? A systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: HummelS, SimpsonE L, HemingwayP, StevensonM D, ReesA
原題: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
原文 : 英語
著者: SolbergArne, WidmarkAnders, TasdemirIlker, AhlgrenGöran, AngelsenAnders
原題: Side-effects of post-treatment biopsies in prostate cancer patients treated with endocrine therapy alone or combined with radical radiotherapy in the Scandinavian Prostate Cancer Group-7 randomized trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: MartinoPasquale, ScattoniVincenzo, GalosiAndrea B, ConsonniPaolo, TrombettaCarlo, PalazzoSilvano, MaccagnanoCarmen, LiguoriGiovanni, ValentinoMassimo, BattagliaMichele, BarozziLibero
原題: Role of imaging and biopsy to assess local recurrence after definitive treatment for prostate carcinoma (surgery, radiotherapy, cryotherapy, HIFU).
原文 : 英語
著者: BannuruRaveendhara R, DvorakTomas, ObadanNdidiamaka, YuWinifred W, PatelKamal, ChungMei, IpStanley
原題: Comparative evaluation of radiation treatments for clinically localized prostate cancer: an updated systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: HébertJames R, HurleyThomas G, HarmonBrook E, HeineySue, HebertChristine J, SteckSusan E
原題: A diet, physical activity, and stress reduction intervention in men with rising prostate-specific antigen after treatment for prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: AriasE, AstudilloP, ManterolaC,
原題: [Second neoplasm after treatment of localized prostate cancer].
原文 : スペイン語
著者: ViolettePhilippe D, SaadFred
原題: Chemoprevention of prostate cancer: myths and realities.
原文 : 英語
著者: KonakaHiroyuki, EgawaShin, SaitoShiro, YorozuAtsunori, TakahashiHiroyuki, MiyakodaKeiko, FukushimaMasanori, DokiyaTakushi, YamanakaHidetoshi, StoneNelson N, NamikiMikio
原題: Tri-Modality therapy with I-125 brachytherapy, external beam radiation therapy, and short- or long-term hormone therapy for high-risk localized prostate cancer (TRIP): study protocol for a phase III, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: SfoungaristosStavros, PerimenisPetros
原題: A systematic review of the role of adjuvant and neoadjuvant pharmacotherapy in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy.
原文 : 英語
著者: MendenhallWilliam M, HendersonRandal H, HoppeBradford S, NicholsRomaine C, MendenhallNancy P
原題: Salvage of locally recurrent prostate cancer after definitive radiotherapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: StöckleMichael, Bussar-MaatzRoswitha
原題: [Localised prostate cancer: the PREFERE trial].
原文 : ドイツ語
著者: ZopfEva M, BraunMoritz, MachtensStefan, ZumbéJürgen, BlochWilhelm, BaumannFreerk T
原題: Implementation and scientific evaluation of rehabilitative sports groups for prostate cancer patients: study protocol of the ProRehab Study.
原文 : 英語
著者: ToledanoA, BeleyS, BolletM, LamallemH, ZerbibM, RouprêtM
原題: [Role of hypofractionated radiotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer: a review].
原文 : フランス語
著者: SchröderFritz, BangmaChris, AnguloJavier C, AlcarazAntonio, ColombelMarc, McNicholasTom, TammelaTeuvo L, NandyIndrani, CastroRamiro
原題: Dutasteride treatment over 2 years delays prostate-specific antigen progression in patients with biochemical failure after radical therapy for prostate cancer: results from the randomised, placebo-controlled Avodart After Radical Therapy for Prostate Cancer Study (ARTS).
原文 : 英語
著者: RoachMack, ThomasKimberly
原題: Overview of randomized controlled treatment trials for clinically localized prostate cancer: implications for active surveillance and the United States preventative task force report on screening?
原文 : 英語
著者: RosoffJames S, SavageStephen J, PrasadSandip M
原題: Salvage radical prostatectomy as management of locally recurrent prostate cancer: outcomes and complications.
原文 : 英語
著者: van den BerghRoderick C N, AlbertsenPeter C, BangmaChris H, FreedlandStephen J, GraefenMarkus, VickersAndrew, van der PoelHenk G
原題: Timing of curative treatment for prostate cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: PunnenSanoj, CooperbergMatthew R, D'AmicoAnthony V, KarakiewiczPierre I, MoulJudd W, ScherHoward I, SchlommThorsten, FreedlandStephen J
原題: Management of biochemical recurrence after primary treatment of prostate cancer: a systematic review of the literature.
原文 : 英語
著者: ValerioMassimo, AhmedHashim U, EmbertonMark, LawrentschukNathan, LazzeriMassimo, MontironiRodolfo, NguyenPaul L, TrachtenbergJohn, PolascikThomas J
原題: The role of focal therapy in the management of localised prostate cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: BeerTomasz M, ArmstrongAndrew J, RathkopfDana E, LoriotYohann, SternbergCora N, HiganoCelestia S, IversenPeter, BhattacharyaSuman, CarlesJoan, ChowdhurySimon, DavisIan D, de BonoJohann S, EvansChristopher P, FizaziKarim, JoshuaAnthony M, KimChoung-Soo, KimuraGo, MainwaringPaul, MansbachHarry, MillerKurt, NoonbergSarah B, PeraboFrank, PhungDe, SaadFred, ScherHoward I, TaplinMary-Ellen, VennerPeter M, TombalBertrand,
原題: Enzalutamide in metastatic prostate cancer before chemotherapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: KunathFrank, GrobeHenrik R, RückerGerta, MotschallEdith, AntesGerd, DahmPhilipp, WullichBernd, MeerpohlJoerg J
原題: Non-steroidal antiandrogen monotherapy compared with luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonists or surgical castration monotherapy for advanced prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: AminNeha P, SherDavid J, KonskiAndre A
原題: Systematic review of the cost effectiveness of radiation therapy for prostate cancer from 2003 to 2013.
原文 : 英語
著者: Schmidt-HansenM, HoskinP, KirkbrideP, HaslerE, BromhamN
原題: Hormone and radiotherapy versus hormone or radiotherapy alone for non-metastatic prostate cancer: a systematic review with meta-analyses.
原文 : 英語
著者: BaschEthan, LoblawD Andrew, OliverThomas K, CarducciMichael, ChenRonald C, FrameJames N, GarrelsKristina, HotteSebastien, KattanMichael W, RaghavanDerek, SaadFred, TaplinMary-Ellen, Walker-DilksCindy, WilliamsJames, WinquistEric, BennettCharles L, WoottonTed, RumbleR Bryan, DusetzinaStacie B, VirgoKatherine S
原題: Systemic therapy in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer:American Society of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Care Ontario clinical practice guideline.
原文 : 英語
著者: OstPiet, BossiAlberto, DecaesteckerKarel, De MeerleerGert, GiannariniGianluca, KarnesR Jeffrey, RoachMack, BrigantiAlberto
原題: Metastasis-directed therapy of regional and distant recurrences after curative treatment of prostate cancer: a systematic review of the literature.
原文 : 英語
著者: RozetF, BastideC, BeuzebocP, CormierL, FromontG, HennequinC, Mongiat-ArtusP, PeyromaureM, Renard-PennaR, RichaudP, SalomonL, SouliéM,
原題: [Management of low-risk prostate cancer].
原文 : フランス語
著者: LeiJun H, LiuLiang R, WeiQiang, YanShi B, SongTu R, LinFu S, YangLu, CaoDe H, YuanHai C, XueWen B, LvXiao, CaiYing C, ZengHao, HanPing
原題: Systematic review and meta-analysis of the survival outcomes of first-line treatment options in high-risk prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: RamsayCraig R, AdewuyiTemitope E, GrayJoanne, HislopJenni, ShirleyMark D F, JayakodyShalmini, MacLennanGraeme, FraserCynthia, MacLennanSara, BrazzelliMiriam, N'DowJames, PickardRobert, RobertsonClare, RothnieKieran, RushtonStephen P, ValeLuke, LamThomas B
原題: Ablative therapy for people with localised prostate cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation.
原文 : 英語
著者: MagnanSindy, ZarychanskiRyan, PiloteLaurie, BernierLaurence, ShemiltMichèle, VigneaultEric, FradetVincent, TurgeonAlexis F
原題: Intermittent vs Continuous Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: SupiotStephane, RioEmmanuel, PacteauValérie, MauboussinMarie-Hélène, CampionLoïc, PeinFrançois
原題: OLIGOPELVIS - GETUG P07: a multicentre phase II trial of combined salvage radiotherapy and hormone therapy in oligometastatic pelvic node relapses of prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: TomaškovićIgor
原文 : 英語
著者: YoshimuraKazuhiro, MinamiTakafumi, NozawaMasahiro, KimuraTakahiro, EgawaShin, FujimotoHiroyuki, YamadaAkira, ItohKyogo, UemuraHirotsugu
原題: A Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trial of Personalized Peptide Vaccine Immunotherapy with Low-dose Dexamethasone Versus Dexamethasone Alone in Chemotherapy-naive Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: BöhmerDirk, WirthManfred, MillerKurt, BudachVolker, HeidenreichAxel, WiegelThomas
原題: Radiotherapy and Hormone Treatment in Prostate Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: TuckerSamantha R, SpeerSusan A, PetersSarah
原題: Development of an explanatory model of sexual intimacy following treatment for localised prostate cancer: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence.
原文 : 英語
著者: MoschiniM, SoriaF, BrigantiA, ShariatS F
原題: The impact of local treatment of the primary tumor site in node positive and metastatic prostate cancer patients.
原文 : 英語
著者: CarneiroArie, BaccagliniWilly, GlinaFelipe P A, KayanoPaulo P, NunesVictor M, SmaletzOren, BernardoWanderley Marques, CarvalhoIcaro Thiago de, LemosGustavo Caserta
原題: Impact of local treatment on overall survival of patients with metastatic prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: FahmyOmar, Khairul-AsriMohd Ghani, HadiSyed H S M, GakisGeorgios, StenzlArnulf
原題: The Role of Radical Prostatectomy and Radiotherapy in Treatment of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: LardasMichael, LiewMatthew, van den BerghRoderick C, De SantisMaria, BellmuntJoaquim, Van den BroeckThomas, CornfordPhilip, CumberbatchMarcus G, FossatiNicola, GrossTobias, HenryAnn M, BollaMichel, BriersErik, JoniauSteven, LamThomas B, MasonMalcolm D, MottetNicolas, van der PoelHenk G, RouvièreOlivier, SchootsIvo G, WiegelThomas, WillemsePeter-Paul M, YuanCathy Yuhong, BourkeLiam
原題: Quality of Life Outcomes after Primary Treatment for Clinically Localised Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: BlanchardP, FoulonS, LouvelG, HabibianM, FizaziK
原題: [A randomized controlled trial of metastases-directed treatment in patients with metastatic prostate cancer using stereotactic body irradiation: A GETUG-AFU trial].
原文 : フランス語
著者: BibaultJean-Emmanuel
原題: [Stereotactic body radiation therapy for oligometastatic prostate cancer].
原文 : フランス語
著者: Linares-EspinósEstefanía, CarneiroArie, Martínez-SalamancaJuan I, BiancoFernando, Castro-AlfaroAdalberto, CathelineauXavier, ValerioMassimo, Sanchez-SalasRafael
原題: New technologies and techniques for prostate cancer focal therapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: JungJae Hung, RiskMichael C, GoldfarbRobert, ReddyBalaji, ColesBernadette, DahmPhilipp
原題: Primary cryotherapy for localised or locally advanced prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: Abdel-RahmanOmar, CheungWinson Y
原題: Impact of Prior Local Treatment on the Outcomes of Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: ToscoLorenzo, BrigantiAlberto, D'amicoAntony Vincent, EasthamJames, EisenbergerMario, GleaveMartin, HaustermansKarin, LogothetisChristopher J, SaadFred, SweeneyChristopher, TaplinMary-Ellen, FizaziKarim
原題: Systematic Review of Systemic Therapies and Therapeutic Combinations with Local Treatments for High-risk Localized Prostate Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: LoriotYohann, SupiotStéphane, BeauvalJean-Baptiste, SchlürmannFriederike, PasticierGilles, SargosPaul, BarthélémyPhilippe, PignotGéraldine, MailletDenis, VincendeauSébastien, GrossEmmanuel, PloussardGuillaume, TimsitMarc-Olivier, BorchielliniDelphine
原題: Management of non-metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer: A systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: SathianathenNiranjan J, PhilippouYiannis A, KuntzGretchen M, KonetyBadrinath R, GuptaShilpa, LambAlastair D, DahmPhilipp
原題: Taxane-based chemohormonal therapy for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: Van den BroeckThomas, van den BerghRoderick C N, ArfiNicolas, GrossTobias, MorisLisa, BriersErik, CumberbatchMarcus, De SantisMaria, TilkiDerya, FantiStefano, FossatiNicola, GillessenSilke, GrummetJeremy P, HenryAnn M, LardasMichael, LiewMatthew, RouvièreOlivier, PecankaJakub, MasonMalcolm D, SchootsIvo G, van Der KwastTheo H, van Der PoelHenk G, WiegelThomas, WillemsePeter-Paul M, YuanYuhong, LamThomas B, CornfordPhilip, MottetNicolas
原題: Prognostic Value of Biochemical Recurrence Following Treatment with Curative Intent for Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: IngrossoGianluca, DettiBeatrice, ScartoniDaniele, LanciaAndrea, GiacomelliIrene, BakiMuhammed, CartaGiulio, LiviLorenzo, SantoniRiccardo
原題: Current therapeutic options in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: DellisAthanasios, ZagouriFlora, LiontosMichalis, MitropoulosDionysios, BamiasAristotelis, PapatsorisAthanasios G,
原題: Management of advanced prostate cancer: A systematic review of existing guidelines and recommendations.
原文 : 英語
著者: MarraGiancarlo, GonteroPaolo, WalzJochen Christoph, SivaramanArjun, Tourinho-BarbosaRafael, CathelineauXavier, Sanchez-SalasRafael
原題: Complications, oncological and functional outcomes of salvage treatment options following focal therapy for localized prostate cancer: a systematic review and a comprehensive narrative review.
原文 : 英語
著者: SunGuijiang, ChenXuanrong, GongUe, ChenYawei, LiGuilai, WeiFang, JiangAili, NiuYuanjie, ShangZhiqun
原題: Androgen deprivation therapy with chemotherapy or abiraterone for patients with metastatic hormone-naive prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: VicierCécile, FengFelix Y, FizaziKarim
原題: Overview of Systemic Therapy Augmenting Management of High-risk Localized Prostate Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: ZhangQijie, ChengHong, WangYi, TianYe, XiaJiadong, WangYichun, ZhouXiang, MengXianghu, WangYamin, GuMin, SongNinghong
原題: Different therapeutic regimens in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer by performing a Bayesian network meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: KishanAmar U, TendulkarRahul D, TranPhuoc T, ParkerChristopher C, NguyenPaul L, StephensonAndrew J, CarrieChristian
原題: Optimizing the Timing of Salvage Postprostatectomy Radiotherapy and the Use of Concurrent Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: HammererP, MankaL
原題: [Docetaxel or abiraterone in combination with androgen deprivation therapy for metastatic prostate cancer].
原文 : ドイツ語
著者: KunathFrank, JensenKatrin, PinartMariona, KahlmeyerAndreas, SchmidtStefanie, PriceCarrie L, LiebVerena, DahmPhilipp
原題: Early versus deferred standard androgen suppression therapy for advanced hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: VentimigliaEugenio, SeisenThomas, AbdollahFiras, BrigantiAlberto, FonteyneValerie, JamesNicholas, RoachMack, ThalmannGeorge N, TouijerKarim, ChenRonald C, ChengLiang
原題: A Systematic Review of the Role of Definitive Local Treatment in Patients with Clinically Lymph Node-positive Prostate Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: KoerberStefan A, KatayamaSonja, SanderAnja, JaekelCornelia, HaefnerMatthias F, DebusJuergen, HerfarthKlaus
原題: Prostate bed irradiation with alternative radio-oncological approaches (PAROS) - a prospective, multicenter and randomized phase III trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: MarvasoGiulia, CiardoDelia, CorraoGiulia, GandiniSara, FodorCristiana, ZeriniDario, RojasDamaris Patricia, AugugliaroMatteo, BonizziGiuseppina, PeceSalvatore, CattaniFederica, MazzoccoKetti, MistrettaFrancesco Alessandro, MusiGennaro, AlessiSarah, PetraliaGiuseppe, PravettoniGabriella, De CobelliOttavio, Di FiorePier Paolo, VialeGiuseppe, OrecchiaRoberto, Jereczek-FossaBarbara Alicja
原題: Radioablation +/- hormonotherapy for prostate cancer oligorecurrences (Radiosa trial): potential of imaging and biology (AIRC IG-22159).
原文 : 英語
著者: DessRobert T, SunYilun, JacksonWilliam C, JairathNeil K, KishanAmar U, WallingtonDavid G, MahalBrandon A, StishBradley J, ZumstegZachery S, DenRobert B, HallWilliam A, GharzaiLaila A, JaworskiElizabeth M, ReichertZachary R, MorganTodd M, MehraRohit, SchaefferEdward M, SartorOliver, NguyenPaul L, LeeWilliam Robert, RosenthalSeth A, MichalskiJeff M, SchipperMatthew J, DignamJames J, PisanskyThomas M, ZietmanAnthony L, SandlerHoward M, EfstathiouJason A, FengFelix Y, ShipleyWilliam U, SprattDaniel E
原題: Association of Presalvage Radiotherapy PSA Levels After Prostatectomy With Outcomes of Long-term Antiandrogen Therapy in Men With Prostate Cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SferrazzaSilvia, AccettoneRoberto, PampoorickelKusuma, CaggianelliGabriele, CasciatoStefano, CinqueAlessandro, MatareseMaria
原題: Men's experiences of deciding about treatment for localized prostate cancer: a meta-synthesis.
原文 : 英語
著者: SilvaD, Abreu-MendesP, MouratoC, MartinsD, CruzR, MendesF
原題: Prostate cancer, new treatment advances - immunotherapy.
原文 : 英語
著者: VernooijRobin Wm, LanceeMichelle, ClevesAnne, DahmPhilipp, BangmaChris H, AbenKatja Kh
原題: Radical prostatectomy versus deferred treatment for localised prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: HolmesA, KellyB D, PereraM, EapenR S, BoltonD M, LawrentschukN
原題: A systematic scoping review of multidisciplinary cancer team and decision-making in the management of men with advanced prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: HamdyFreddie C, DonovanJenny L, LaneJ Athene, MasonMalcolm, MetcalfeChris, HoldingPeter, WadeJulia, NobleSian, GarfieldKirsty, YoungGrace, DavisMichael, PetersTim J, TurnerEmma L, MartinRichard M, OxleyJon, RobinsonMary, StaffurthJohn, WalshEleanor, BlazebyJane, BryantRichard, BollinaPrasad, CattoJames, DobleAndrew, DohertyAlan, GillattDavid, GnanapragasamVincent, HughesOwen, KockelberghRoger, KynastonHoward, PaulAlan, PaezEdgar, PowellPhilip, PrescottStephen, RosarioDerek, RoweEdward, NealDavid
原題: Active monitoring, radical prostatectomy and radical radiotherapy in PSA-detected clinically localised prostate cancer: the ProtecT three-arm RCT.
原文 : 英語
著者: FantinJoão Paulo Pretti, FurstMaria Claudia Bicudo, Tobias-MachadoMarcos, MullerRoberto Lodeiro, MachadoRoberto Dias, SantosAlexandre Cesar, MagnaboscoWesley Justino, Alcantara-QuispeCinthia, FariaEliney Ferreira
原題: Role of salvage lymph node dissection in patients previously treated for prostate cancer: systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: SathianathenNiranjan J, OestreichMakinna C, BrownSarah Jane, GuptaShilpa, KonetyBadrinath R, DahmPhilipp, KunathFrank
原題: Abiraterone acetate in combination with androgen deprivation therapy compared to androgen deprivation therapy only for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: NguyenDavid-Dan, HaeuserLorine, PaciottiMarco, ReitblatChanan, CelliniJacqueline, LipsitzStuart R, KibelAdam S, ChoudhuryAtish D, ConeEugene B, TrinhQuoc-Dien
原題: Systematic Review of Time to Definitive Treatment for Intermediate Risk and High Risk Prostate Cancer: Are Delays Associated with Worse Outcomes?
原文 : 英語
著者: DevosGaëtan, VansevenantBram, De MeerleerGert, ClinckaertAndries, DevliesWout, ClaessensFrank, GraefenMarkus, SteuberThomas, BrigantiAlberto, de la TailleAlexandre, Van PoppelHendrik, JoniauSteven
原題: Neoadjuvant treatment with androgen receptor signaling inhibitors prior to radical prostatectomy: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: AnnalaM, FuS, BaconJ V W, SipolaJ, IqbalN, FerrarioC, OngM, WadhwaD, HotteS J, LoG, TranB, WoodL A, GingerichJ R, NorthS A, PezaroC J, RuetherJ D, SridharS S, KallioH M L, KhalafD J, WongA, BejaK, SchönlauE, TaavitsainenS, NykterM, VandekerkhoveG, AzadA A, WyattA W, ChiK N
原題: Cabazitaxel versus abiraterone or enzalutamide in poor prognosis metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: a multicentre, randomised, open-label, phase II trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: MaestroniUmberto, TafuriAlessandro, DinaleFrancesco, CampobassoDavide, AntonelliAlessandro, ZiglioliFrancesco
原題: Oncologic outcome of salvage high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in radiorecurrent prostate cancer. A systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: RattiMaria Monica, GandagliaGiorgio, AllevaEugenia, LeardiniLuca, SiscaElena Silvia, DereviankoAlexandra, FurnariFederica, Mazzoleni FerraciniSerena, BeyerKatharina, MossCharlotte, PellegrinoFrancesco, SorceGabriele, BarlettaFrancesco, ScuderiSimone, OmarMuhammad Imran, MacLennanSteven, WilliamsonPaula R, ZongJihong, MacLennanSara J, MottetNicolas, CornfordPhilip, AiyegbusiOlalekan Lee, Van HemelrijckMieke, N'DowJames, BrigantiAlberto,
原題: Standardising the Assessment of Patient-reported Outcome Measures in Localised Prostate Cancer. A Systematic Review.
原文 : 英語
著者: SalgadoCarla Manzoni, Garcia-PerdomoHerney Andrés, ReisLeonardo O
原題: Evaluation of maintenance of the common androgen deprivation therapy with the new antiandrogen therapy in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: RogersFrancesca, RashidiAmineh, EwensBeverley
原題: Education and support for erectile dysfunction and penile rehabilitation post prostatectomy: A qualitative systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: RajwaPawel, PradereBenjamin, GandagliaGiorgio, van den BerghRoderick C N, TsaurIgor, ShimSung Ryul, YanagisawaTakafumi, LaukhtinaEkaterina, MoriKeiichiro, MostafaeiHadi, QuhalFahad, BryniarskiPiotr, CompératEva, RoubaudGuilhem, MassardChristophe, MerseburgerAxel S, LeapmanMichael S, SprattDaniel E, SaadFred, JoniauSteven, D'AmicoAnthony V, BrigantiAlberto, ShariatShahrokh F, PloussardGuillaume,
原題: Intensification of Systemic Therapy in Addition to Definitive Local Treatment in Nonmetastatic Unfavourable Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: PollackAlan, KarrisonTheodore G, BaloghAlexander G, GomellaLeonard G, LowDaniel A, BrunerDeborah W, WefelJeffrey S, MartinAndre-Guy, MichalskiJeff M, AngyalfiSteve J, LukkaHimanshu, FariaSergio L, RodriguesGeorge B, BeaucheminMarie-Claude, LeeR Jeffrey, SeawardSamantha A, AllenAaron M, MonittoDrew C, SeiferheldWendy, SartorOliver, FengFelix, SandlerHoward M
原題: The addition of androgen deprivation therapy and pelvic lymph node treatment to prostate bed salvage radiotherapy (NRG Oncology/RTOG 0534 SPPORT): an international, multicentre, randomised phase 3 trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: Miro-PadovaniM, Batista da CostaJ, SalomonL, IngelsA, De la TailleA
原題: [High risk localized and locally advanced prostate cancer: Long-term oncological outcomes after prostatectomy].
原文 : フランス語
著者: PengZhixiong, HuangAndong
原題: Cytoreductive radical prostatectomy or radiation therapy for metastases prostate cancer: Evidence from meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: BarbierMichaela C, TomonagaYuki, MengesDominik, YebyoHenock G, HaileSarah R, PuhanMilo A, SchwenkglenksMatthias
原題: Survival modelling and cost-effectiveness analysis of treatments for newly diagnosed metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: SathianathenNiranjan J, PanHenry Y C, LawrentschukNathan, SivaShankar, AzadArun A, TranBen, BoltonDamien, MurphyDeclan G
原題: Emergence of triplet therapy for metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer: An updated systematic review and network meta-analysis.
原文 : 英語
著者: RansKato, CharlienBerghen, FilipAmeye, OlivierDe Hertogh, Julieden Hartog, CédericDraulans, HerlindeDumez, BenediktEngels, KarolienGoffin, AnnouschkaLaenen, NickLiefhooghe, KennethPoels, CarlSalembier, KoenSlabbaert, HansVandendriessche, BenVanneste, StevenJoniau, GertDe Meerleer
原題: SPARKLE: a new spark in treating oligorecurrent prostate cancer: adding systemic treatment to stereotactic body radiotherapy or metastasectomy: key to long-lasting event-free survival?
原文 : 英語
著者: RoySoumyajit, SunYilun, MorganScott C, WallisChristopher J D, KingKevin, ZhouYu M, D'souzaLeah A, AzemOmar, Cueto-MarquezAdrianna E, CamdenNathaniel B, SprattDaniel E, KishanAmar U, SaadFred, MaloneShawn
原題: Effect of Prior Local Therapy on Response to First-line Androgen Receptor Axis Targeted Therapy in Metastatic Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Secondary Analysis of the COU-AA-302 Trial.
原文 : 英語
著者: JosefssonAndreas, JellvertÅsa, HolmbergErik, BrassoKlaus, Meidahl PetersenPeter, AaltomaaSirpa, LuukkaaMarjaana, VerhagenPaul, de WitRonald, AhlgrenGöran, AndrénOve, CastellanosEnrique, SekeMihalj, WidmarkAnders, DamberJan-Erik,
原題: Effect of docetaxel added to bicalutamide in Hormone-Naïve non-metastatic prostate cancer with rising PSA, a randomized clinical trial (SPCG-14).
原文 : 英語
著者: Martín-NúñezJavier, Raya-BenítezJulia, López-LópezLaura, Calvache-MateoAndrés, Heredia-CiuróAlejandro, Navas-OteroAlba, ValenzaMarie Carmen
原題: Efficacy in urinary symptom burden, psychological distress, and self-efficacy of education-enhanced interventions in prostate cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analyses.
原文 : 英語
著者: PatellKanchi, KurianMatthew, GarciaJorge A, MendirattaPrateek, BarataPedro C, JiaAngela Y, SprattDaniel E, BrownJason R
原題: Lutetium-177 PSMA for the treatment of metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer: a systematic review.
原文 : 英語
著者: González-BrowneCatalina, DíazJorge, PintoIvan, SandovalCamilo, VidalÁlvaro, Altamirano-VillarroelJaime
原題: Cytoreductive radical prostatectomy versus no local treatment in patients with metastatic prostate cancer.
原文 : 英語
著者: BeckerBenjamin, StroeverStephanie, ReddyAnish, de RieseWerner T W
原題: Comparison of Intermittent and Continuous Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Prostate Cancer Patients: An Up-to-Date Meta-analysis for Urologists and Medical Providers.
原文 : 英語
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